Losonti wrote:
Chef, how did you get banned from Myspace if you've never been? Or is there a filter on the machines you use that blocks the website?
I am in Iraq and using company computers. I purify water for 12 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week, so I get on the computer a LOT
but all of the GOOD stuff is blocked
Some of the filters are hilarious and nonsensical.
The only time I am REALLY needed is when something goes wrong, I do my checks every 1/2 or so, then post, post, post.
So much stuff is blocked if feels like GOOGLE China
we take what we can get, at least at this FOB (Forward Operating Base) I HAVE computer access, I did not the first 13 months here.
Having all of this time in front of the computer is how I found out about Asperger's and had my AHA moment!!