Yeah, ours was about £30 entrance fee which gave you a meal too. Drinks were an extra expense. I would also have had to pay for a taxi home if I could not get a lift with one of my friends, as I would not have wanted to get the bus home alone at that time of night. I already had a dress that I wore to my 16th birthday party that would have been suitable for prom but I needed new shoes to go with that. The way I saw it, I would rather spend that money going to a gig or something with a couple of my friends, as I would actually enjoy that, unlike prom.
I know girls who payed hundreds of pounds for their prom dresses. And there is another prom in Summer 2012 that most of them will be attending, I what are they going to do? Spend another few hundred quid on a new dress and shoes and bag etc for that one?! It's crazy, to me, hah.
"There is no wealth like intelligence and no poverty harsher than ignorance."