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03 Oct 2006, 9:15 pm

Anyone here did any of them i didn't.

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03 Oct 2006, 9:22 pm

Yep. Don't really recommend making a habit of either.

It's not to say that it's wrong to enjoy a glass of wine once in awhile, or a puff if that's what you're into (although the latter can easily trigger an anxiety attack if you're prone...), but it's like anything else; moderation (and understanding / research, if you ask me) is key.


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03 Oct 2006, 10:41 pm

I drank from 16 to helped me be "social" but wasnt worth the cost(in sanity and behavior that got me into trouble,made my depression worse)I did LSD....dangerous(Do not look into mirrors) but I dont regret it..I was lucky that I didnt end up with permanent consequences....some have...speed made the day go faster but is very dangerous as far as addiction and long term use....hated pot....tried several times but it made my paranoia worse....There is supposed to be "scientific proof "that it is not addictive,but I knew several people who tried really hard to quit and couldnt do it.......shrooms were interesting in the right frame of mind....dont recommend for negative thinkers...I only huffed once....I liked it TO much...stay away from that stuff....I have seen many teens with permanent brain damage...I am not kidding,very dangerous...I loved Robitussin but it can be sneaky and I have seen people get hooked and very stupid on it...I never did Heroin,Meth,Ecstacy,Ludes or many prescription access...for that I am grateful.....end analysis....People with AS have enough to deal with with out addiction and CNS drugs to our lives...

Most dangerous drug for me..alcohol...easy access,socially exceptable and easy to get addicted to being able to socialize

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04 Oct 2006, 12:28 am

I've tried smoking Pot, once. My Self-Esteem was very low, because I didn't feel that I was living up to my Potential. I was feeling like such a loser, that I've took a few puffs at a New Years Eve party acrossed the street, from where I live. That was during the first minutes of 1996. That was the only time that I've tried it, and it didn't change me, one bit.


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04 Oct 2006, 6:18 pm

alchohol yes, but like a few cans a week at most, i dont binge for teh sake of it. but never drugs, i just dont see the point tbh.

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04 Oct 2006, 7:52 pm

I used to use drugs (including alcohol) as a social tool,
when you got what others like or want they will come too you and use you,
then once its all gone they will leave.
no friendship based on any drugs will ever last or be wholesome,
I have tried.

LSD: I have done more then my share,
they say over (I think) 10,000 micro-grains (around 100 hits) of use then a
person is considered not all there anymore, me I have done over 6x (600 hits of 110 mg)
that amount in my life time (at least). for the most part I used it to discover my self but
eventually it became just another abused substance, so I quit of it.

Peyote: interesting stuff, done it only about 10 times, good for meditation,
hard to find the real stuff, unless you know what your doing I would advise
staying away from it.

Meth: its scary s**t, I liked it so damn much I avoided it at all costs as well as most all the other powders, I knew if I done more I would get addicted real easy and fast, most of the people I seen that use the stuff look all shriveled and shot with the mentality that of stealing from family and friends for their next fix, avoid the s**t at all costs.

Mushrooms: fun stuff, but if you think about it, the active ingredient in it is made by nature as a poison to keep critters from eating it, eventually you will start to feel its toll on your body, and the giggles you get when you first try it quickly fade the more you use it till its not real fun anymore, and I hate the taste.

Ecstasy: I met the guy who invented it, he gave me tons of free samples,
its a burn out, the more you use it the more your emotions will destabilize.

Heroin: never done anything that takes using the needle.

Pot: used it for years as a way to help kill my sex drive because I had no sex life,
gives you the giggles at first, seems to me to most always make you feel paranoid
if your in the wrong setting, slows your brain down, the active ingredient is made by the plant as an insecticide, and eventually you wonder why your smoking it anymore while you lite your next joint.

Alcohol: this stuff will eat you alive, mostly because its legal and easy access,
it takes what your feeling and turns it from a mole hill into a mountain,
it can turn the best of people into as*holes and b***h's, runes family's,
kills people, turns your brains into trash as you crave your next fix,
seems fun at first like any other drug but eventually it becomes problematic.
whats funny is that when it was first discovered most alcohols was made with fermentation, its all yeast piss, now if drinking somethings piss is not bad for you I do not know what is.

I have tried many other drugs in my life time, the best drug I have ever found was
that of a healthy relationship with someone I love.
I have not done any illegal drugs in years now, I no longer have the desire or want.
its best to avoid those that do drugs, if you really want to learn something,
watch those that habitually use and abuse any kind of drugs, over time you will see the results again and again, unless they stop, it will rune their lives, and many times they find they cant stop once started until they lose everything that matters in their lives.
and to finish, as with all drugs, the more you use it the more your brain adapts to it so the more you will need to get high until you hit old age then your functions will weaken and you will start having a bad memory or blackouts and the like or worse, your poisoning your self.

its not worth it.

Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 04 Oct 2006, 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Oct 2006, 7:58 pm

I've had alcohol, and lots of it.

No drugs... Yet. In all honesty, I'll probably try pot the first opportunity I get to.

If at first you don't succeed, maybe failure is your style.


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06 Oct 2006, 5:47 am

not drugs or alcohol but gambling. I am 26 and have never drunk or taken drugs but do like to gamble a bit much I have ever since I turned the legal age of majority 18 (in australia).


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08 Oct 2006, 11:59 pm

I have never used drugs and I don't want to use it.

I seldom drink alcohol, I only drink a little ration when I'm alone in a social event

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22 Oct 2006, 9:29 am

I started drinking and using other drugs when I was 14 and I wish I hadn't. I was trying to avoid being myself and wanted to be popular. Drinking and drugs turned out to be a nightmare for me. I'm sober now and much happier. I think anyone who has obsessional tendencies should stay away from alcohol and other drugs since it is very easy to lose control. Once you lose control you're kinda like a piece of mud thrown up against the side of a building, either stuck there or fallen off in broken pieces. There are lots of healthy things to do for fun or to build self esteem. There are lots of really cool things to do even if a person has difficulty being with others. Look around and make yourself happy. You might even find there are other people who like doing things that aren't competitive or self destructive.

have a wonderful day


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18 Nov 2006, 4:28 pm

Not proud But I tryed Alcohol now I have a psycological addiction I don't recommend having drugs or alcohol ever they really are bad for you they subtract your life spand stay away from them!!

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.


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18 Nov 2006, 5:39 pm

I'll tell you about my introductory experiences but I'll also be the first to tell you it wasn't such a cool thing to do. Sobering up from it all and living with the personal disgrace and a newly-earned bad reputation is not an experience I'd wish on any of you :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Alcohol became progressively more accessible to me as I advanced to the senior years in high school. By the time I was 16, it wasn't too hard to get. At 17 I had my first try of the wacky tobacky in the company of af I trusted enough to allow it. Other than that, I never did any other drug during that time in my life.

If you're going to do any substances, by all means I'm not stopping you but I suggest you play it safe. Know your limits and know each others' limits. Alcohol is a weird drug when you think about it and different people react very differently to it. A house party full of disorderly sots behaving out of control can only result in one thing: a police visit and maybe some mischief charges.

Choose your company carefully if you're thinking of hosting a party, lock yourselves in with a supply of food and other needs, and stay the night.

Go ahead and pop that cork, but remember you are your own Liquor Control Board.

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06 Jun 2010, 5:16 pm

Never touched drugs, never will. Prohibition forever.

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06 Jun 2010, 5:54 pm

Had a bit of alcohol, not enough to get drunk. 2 bottles of 5%. Done pot twice and loved it. Smoked for a while then stopped but I loved that too. I sometimes falter with things but I try not to fall. Look after my body.

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10 Jun 2010, 6:45 pm

I smoke weed regularly, although I've cut it down from almost every day to once or twice a week due to the fact that it was making me feel unmotivated (It's not a long term side effect like some people may think, it's just that being high enhances everything, so just sitting around getting high all day seems pretty damn productive lol) I see it as a harmless drug, although it can make you very paranoid and sometimes causes panic attacks. It's obviously not for everyone but as far as the risks go, this one's at the bottom of the list.

I drink every now and then, but when I do I tend to binge (I'll go through about 10-15 pints of beer on a night out) and that can be dangerous. The first time I got absolutely wasted was with my best friend when we were 14, we both went out and had a big bottle White Lightning each. I was absolutely smashed and my friend was even worse. He ended up running down the road, I followed, he passed out and started puking, I was stood there laughing my head off and calling my friends and telling them how funny it was (They all told me to call an ambulance but I assured them that he was fine) Some people ended up walking by, they called an ambulance and he got taken to hospital, then I got a lift back. Turned out that if nobody had found us, he'd have been dead within half an hour. He had hypothermia (It was winter) and he stopped breathing at one point. I love my booze, but it's the easiest thing to overdo.

I've recently started taking mephedrone. It's like a cheap cross between coke and ecstasy. Bloody rough on your nose too lol... This stuff has you wired up, talkative and makes you feel really close to everyone (I've had a deep conversation with a guy I barely knew on it) but it also makes you feel like crap on the comedown. When I mixed it with weed I had the WORST anxiety attack, actually thought I was gonna die, so gonna keep those two separate from now on.

Other things I've taken but never done regularly enough to be much of an expert on: Coke (Crap on its own), speed, E, shrooms, acid, ketamine, off the top of my head. A few times I've taken something without knowing what it is (I wouldn't recommend this at all, I've stopped doing this due to a few less than desirable highs)

Well there's my drug story, hope it helps to read something from a teenager's point of view ;)

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08 Sep 2010, 9:17 am

I've drank. I've smoked weed, done hippie crack. Pills. Tripped on Acid & DXM. I shot up codeine before.