Been Asked Out On A Date By Another Kid With Aspergers??

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 May 2010, 4:06 pm

Ok, so yesterday i was at this 'thing' and i met another kid with aspergers, turns out he went to my nursery and my parents go way back blah blah. Anyway, today i got a call from him asking if we could go see a movie together, without my friends/brother, even though he has more in common with my little brother who is one of his friends. I felt so embarrassed because I've never been asked/been on a date before and im 13 so im guessing its normal.
But the problem is im not attracted to him, im bi and im going through some stuff right now trying to figure out whether i like boys or if it's just girls.
Also I've built a kind of invisible 'wall' around myself to protect me and i don't talk that much, im afraid i will screw it up or he will try to kiss me and i'll punch him :P

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 May 2010, 5:43 pm

Your only 13, and this would be your first date. I would suggest you wait til you have an opportunity to go out with someone you know that you really like. I'm sure you want your first date to be something special. Don't settle for the first guy that asks you out. If you go out with him, it is a disaster waiting to happen. At least one of you will probably end up being hurt. Since you're young you can tell him something like "I'm just not ready to start dating yet, but I still want us to still be friends". Good Luck!


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31 May 2010, 9:36 pm

If it were me at 19 (with a guy my age, lol), I would go out with him. But: I've been on dates, had relationships, had the first kiss, etc. When you're younger and haven't had the first relationship, it's a lot more of a big deal. Now that I've been through all that, I can go out with someone and if I don't like them, just accept it and not pretend like I do. I don't feel obligated to please him or anything. I can simply tell them that and try to have a good time.

If it were me at 13: I would probably be feeling very similar to you right now, lol. My first date was at 14 with someone I wasn't crazy about, but I went out with him because I thought the person I really did like would never ask me out. I even had the bi feelings like you do now. I really wanted boys to like me at that age and made bad decisions.

I say think about it a little more. He wanted it to be just you two, but why not hang out in a group? That puts less pressure on you and it's usually more fun anyway. On a side note: I wouldn't open up to him about the bi thing unless you're open about it to everyone.


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01 Jun 2010, 6:38 am

I'm 14 and I'm a moron who doesn't leave the house and doesn't have friends in real life and I still haven't gone out with a girl.

The biggest pressure you're going to have is to put out.

No relationships last from when you're 13. I suggest waiting till you're 17 or 18 to start a real relationship, or you're going to get burned.


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05 Jun 2010, 8:42 pm

Jookia is right, most teenage relationships end, having to move, university or various other things. Just wait, if you wanna date, get some practise sure go ahead but ONLY if you like the person. You don't seem to like the guy so I say DON'T.


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06 Jun 2010, 2:05 am

Jookia wrote:
I'm 14 and I'm a moron who doesn't leave the house and doesn't have friends in real life and I still haven't gone out with a girl.

The biggest pressure you're going to have is to put out.

No relationships last from when you're 13. I suggest waiting till you're 17 or 18 to start a real relationship, or you're going to get burned.

Your not a moron.

Only go if you want to go, or, go but just tell him your not ready to start dating yet but you can still be friends.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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27 Nov 2010, 5:37 pm

no but i would like to try it it sounds like a good experience

i reject your reality and subsitute my own


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07 Dec 2010, 6:26 pm

Jookia wrote:
I'm 14 and I'm a moron who doesn't leave the house and doesn't have friends in real life and I still haven't gone out with a girl.

The biggest pressure you're going to have is to put out.

No relationships last from when you're 13. I suggest waiting till you're 17 or 18 to start a real relationship, or you're going to get burned.

17/18? I started going out (long distance mind) with my now fiance back in March when I was still 16.
Got engaged in September (I was 17 in April) and we are just looking forward to the future.

I've even moved since we got together and that's only made things easier as I'm way closer (as in distance) to him.