katzefrau wrote:
IceCreamGirl wrote:
Stage 1: You're in your own Aspie world. You act completely different from everyone else.
Stage 2: You try to act normal, but you can't help acting a little different.
Stage 3: You have a complete emotional breakdown from exhaustion
Stage 4: You stop trying to act like anything you're not, realizing survival is of greater importance than being thought normal.
Stage 5: You accept that you have AS and it is a permanent condition, and you begin the process of learning how to better accommodate your needs even if you would prefer not to have special needs.
I'd have to agree with these really, though rather than going through one by one and reaching the end goal I cycle through them. Maybe one day I'll settle on stage 5! Or burn out on stage 3!! :S
I don't think it's possible to grow out of. Even if learned behaviors help you to live a "normal" life, AS is a neurological thing, and with you for life. I do think it's possible to have AS not IMPAIR you anymore, certainly, which is lovely and is the ideal outcome of katzefrau's 5 stages I believe.
AQ; 33
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