Was top through primary school and first part of secondary school no effort, but things started to go wrong around Y9 because I decided I wasn't going to do anything in school at all...just turn up to the lessons and do the bare minimum because I hated it there, which was a silly decision, and in the end I underperformed when it came to GCSEs, which isn't a disaster, but I wouldn't be able to do Law or Medicine if I wanted to (bare minimum seems to be 9 A*). Lucky I don't. A levels also not going terrifically well, hardly did any work throughout the last year, but I guess I was more shaken up by the change than I thought at first, starting with the low moods every day etc. I thought it was all going really well, and then down I went, although peers-wise it's been amazing! Everyone is so friendly and so nice. But I still feel worried about going to school, walking around there. Just crowds of people everywhere. I'll get over it. My AS is never an advantage. I don't have an Aspie memory as in, it's not a savant memory, but by ordinary standards it's very good, which makes it easier, especially to remember social rules and things. But I was a lot quicker at that kind of thing when I was younger actually, now I'm still puzzled by some of the things they do. I guess I've hit the inevitable brick wall- you can learn the theory but applying it is different. Now I'm trying to get some marathon revision done (five hours a free day and a few hours after school which is a LOT for me in terms of schoolwork! been so lazy for so long) and it's not too bad...I just hope I can get those 5 As in the summer. Somehow my motivation is back and I do want this.