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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 May 2014, 2:22 pm

Hey, guys. There's something that I need to ask: Is it bad that I don't drive, even though I have my license? I'm 18 now, and I got my driving license a few months ago. However, I haven't driven a car in a few months. I just don't feel comfortable with driving right now, and I want to hold off on driving for a while, until I feel that I'm ready. Additionally, I don't want to make a serious mistake while driving, and I don't want to cause an accident or kill somebody while driving. I'm afraid that if I drive on my own, that I'll make a wrong turn or stop at the wrong time.

Furthermore, my dad got angry at me, and yelled at me when I was driving with him. I wound up crying when I was driving, and this made my dad even madder. I guess that the main reason that I don't drive, is that I don't want to go through that experience again. If I ever drive in the future, then I'd prefer to drive with someone who's calm & won't get angry at me, even if I break down & cry. I also have some trouble with doing simple things in the car, such as adjusting my seat, and I don't want my parents to get angry at me for that. I know that I've mentioned this before, but I feel that it applies to me in this case.

So, in conclusion, is it a bad thing that I don't drive, even though I have my license? It would nice for me to be able to drive to places on my own, but I feel that I should get more practice with driving. My brother usually drives me to places, and if I need to get picked up, then either my brther, or one of my parents pick me up.

Emu Egg
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10 May 2014, 4:13 pm

I don't think it is bad. I didn't drive until I was 18. I was scared because I been in different accidents in a car with other people driving. Also someone let me drive when I was a kid, about 9 or 10 and we almost got into a accident and the person who let me drive got out the car and was saying you almost killed us. It scared me. I never want anyone to die because of me. As I got older I realized that no one would of died in the accident accept me.

But I forced myself to get over that fear and drive. I needed to drive to get to school and if I wanted a job. Eventually you might need to drive but it is not a bad thing that you haven't driven yet. But you should try to get over that fear and try. You will realize after a while that is ok. Your dad was wrong for yelling at you. Everyone makes mistakes driving. I am sure he did too when he first drove and probably still does every once in a while. Try to go with a friend or another family member or tell your dad how you feel. But if you want to drive, you should try to get past your fear because driving helps a lot.

Tufted Titmouse
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11 May 2014, 1:38 am

I don't think it's bad. My dad is trying to coerce me into getting a license but I can hardly cross the street on my own.

Neuro-nontypical ? (#'w'#)>o


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11 May 2014, 6:11 am

It's not bad.

You have the license so you can use it when you need to drive but noone can force you to drive if you dont want/need to drive at a moment. I got my driving license when I was 19 and actually drived a car by myself first when I was 22 and I got a job in a city where going by bus/train was troublesome (1-1,5h because there was no direct link so I had to wait for the bus in neighborhood city) and it took only 25mins to get the by car.
I needed one day to remind myself how to drive. My parents were not home for 2 weeks so I was home alone and sick of going the 1-1,5h everyday. So I took my dads car, made a few rounds around my area to get used to the car, drived to my grandma house in neighborhood city to see if I can do it far away from home too and the next day I went to work using the car. It was scary but I made it successfully. Although I had to take a calming pill (weak one, save for drivers) for a few first days due to anxiety.

BTW: Don't drive with your dad. From my experience I drive the best when I am all alone. So noone disturbs me and I know I can count only on myself. Having someone who will fix it when you do something wrong isn't always good. It leads to making mistakes due to the feeling of lack of responsibility. And you can't do the stuff with your own rate when someone is there - you try to make sure the one with you won't loose his patience. Trying to act fast leads to making mistakes too. Plus - you learn the best when you figure out how to do something all by yourself. You won't learn if someone will be showing you how to do it all the time.


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12 May 2014, 1:09 pm

I don't really drive anymore. Being in a car in general gives me near-crippling anxiety. :lol:

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18 May 2014, 5:48 pm

I had to get my license early because I had classes that were away from my regular school and there was no bus that would take me (I hate riding the bus anyway). I had to practice driving to get the correct amount of hours in for an entire summer. It was pure hell. It was basically an hour everyday of my mom and I getting extremely lost and yelling at each other about what way we should go. I hated driving, now I tolerate it because I go the exact same way everyday (the way with the least amount of traffic, though it's longer), and I play music while I drive which calms me down (I couldn't when I was practicing because my mom said it was "distracting"). My dad only came with me once. He kept his hand on the emergency break the entire time and kept freaking out over everything, which made me freak out, and he wasn't allowed to come with me anymore.

In order for me to actually get my license, my mom ambushed me. She never told me I was getting my license, one day she just came in my room really early and forced me to drive to the DMV. She said we were practicing the route for when I would actually go to get my license. Then once we were there she made me take the driving test. It wasn't ideal, but it was effective.

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20 May 2014, 12:00 pm

It's perfectly okay not to drive as long as you're cool with it.
I'm 18, too and have had my license for over a year now and I barely drive because I feel way to scared behind the wheel and it makes me edgy if I have to step out of my comfort zone. My mom always encourages me to drive but I'm not allowed to anymore since my meds prohibit me from driving anyways. So I'm kinda off the hook. ;)
But back to you: I don't think it's bad. Especially when you're scared of causing an accident or something. Better safe than sorry. :)

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07 Jun 2014, 4:43 pm

Depending on your circumstances...It's always good to push yourself.

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Sea Gull
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08 Jun 2014, 4:25 pm

There are so many people on the road who have absolutely no business driving. They drive before they're ready, they drive because society says to, they drive because they're impulsive and reckless, etc. Knowing and respecting your limitations is a good thing, and something that not enough people do.

I'm in my mid-twenties and will probably never drive. I don't have a license or even a permit and don't want one. I don't have the motor skills, executive function, or people-reading skills to drive. Oh, well. There are plenty of other things I can do.

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09 Jun 2014, 3:14 am

I got my license when I was 17, but my mom always said I was like a "little old lady" because I would basically only drive up to the store that was two minutes away to get groceries, and of course drive to school. Other than that, I preferred not to drive. I would say I only REALLY started to get experience when I was 20 and had a job which required me to drive on the interstate. I'm 22 now, and I can drive pretty much anywhere, but I still prefer to not drive long distances or on a lot of interstates. There are so many crazy/distracted drivers these days and that scares me.

And yes, try not to have to drive with your dad and find someone calmer to practice with. Somebody yelling at me while I'm trying to drive would send me over the edge too, and probably make me ten times more likely to crash...

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Jul 2014, 3:17 am

I'm 21 and I refuse to go near the driver's seat--even to get my license.


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15 Jul 2014, 8:01 pm

I've had my license for awhile now, but I have no car to drive. I don't have anywhere to drive to anyway! So no big deal I guess..


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16 Jul 2014, 3:31 pm

i'm 17 and i have yet to get my permit.
most of my driving is limited in parking lots, and moving around car washes.
it's not like i have anywhere to go anyway. joy rides around the countryside would be nice but given the awful traffic in some parts in the state (SoCal) i'd probably spend all my time staring at the driver ahead of me. also i probably wouldn't be able to afford gas.

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23 Jul 2014, 10:58 pm

Haven't tried to get my permit or driving license yet. Lessons cost over $350 and I cannot waste that money right now. Plus, the only car I could drive is a 26-year-old "clunker" anyways. I'll wait until at least 18 or 19.