black_legion wrote:
JediGirl77 wrote:
You got one thing right - NT girls are soooo boring. Tried taking to them in school. Didn't get far. They're all trying so hard to fit in and be the same as each other and are totally ruled by peer pressure, they think they're so ugly unless they have makeup on, spend hours doing their hair... Don't seem to have their own minds, views, opinion e.t.c... from my experience, from about 13-16yrs of age, NT girls are like heavily made up sheep.
Well I agree with you up until the point when you find the one that should be in a mental institution end up having a relationship with her (somehow) and then realising you want someone normal.
If you see a girl long enough you decide to start a relationship, their is an immense chance you would have noticed if they were that bad. And NT girls are too boring, It's like they just play 'follow the leader' all day, I pride myself in being a chameleon and still have more personality then most of them!
Play sims - Get bored - Kill sims - Understand God.