I noticed that AS people tend to be a little more, how would you say it "formal, mature," at a young age, and also we tend to have a personal space issue which i sord of did as well, so did you still wrestle or horse around as a kid, i never was much for it when i was younger say 7 or 8, and i actually didnt like it whenever someone would suddenly put me in a full nelson or when swimming pick me up on their shoulders for a chicken fight, but then i started toning down a little and would tackle someone occasionally at summer camp, or i would actually do the chicken fight the next time someone picked me up. and then i would actually join in on a wrestling match by the time i was 12(and won a few times
), i just had to sord of learn to be a little less formal and proper and get over my whole personal space issue, and be more like a kid, it took a while but i did eventually, so did you ever like to horse around or wrestle as a kid, or where you more like me where you would sit in a chair read a book, and watch other kids wrestle or horse around?
It is not gods dream that carries out our duties, it is our duties that carry out gods dream