Girlwithaspergers wrote:
Did younger aspies, age 14-24, get asked to their prom?
I was the one asking out, and I could tell you, my record was dismal: of the 9 I asked, none accepted. That's when I clicked: most of them went with the typical meatbag. That's when my rage doused and a fiendish smile surrounded my mouth. An epiphany is what happened.
Proms are all about giving you a final result of social interactions at school. Like a final results TV broadcasters give you after a Formula 1 race. Some front runners crash mid-race, if you get what I mean
And I was in a Caterham, if you also get what I mean.
The thing is, most of those girly neurotypical dumbasses are only interested in talking about the most boring things.
I would rather spend that evening lugging my probability theory textbook I got off a friend who taught at college then dancing to bad music and seeing after proms where drinking and drugs abound.