Hi zzmondo, first of all, nice new avatar!
I can sort of identify with you. In 6th grade, when I was still living in Canada, the friends I used to hang out with a lot suddenly changed into typical "clique" girls, leaving me to play outside at recess with my one friend that was left, or, in many cases, alone.
I'd say talk to your friends about your loneliness, or, if you want, keep a journal or talk to your parents.
As for dating, don't worry about it. As the saying goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea, and your school is only a tiny part of that sea. If you don't find any girl you're interested in at your school, don't fret. There is always college, where there are a lot more new people to choose from and get to know. Don't limit yourself by going into a relationship too early. (I mean, I'm waiting until college, aren't I? )
If you're worried about not having many friends, take every opportunity to meet people. Talk to people on your snowboarding trips. Join some school clubs and youth groups that you might enjoy. Chances are, most of the people there will have that exact same interest. Participate in stuff outside of school, and get to know people from other schools. There are tons of options if you know where to find them.
The main thing is, don't be afraid to socialize and mingle. Use your humor and show your sensitive side. That way you'll make lots of friends quickly.
I hope this helps!