naturalplastic wrote:
just politely ask them to quiet down because you're trying ot get some work done.
The problem with this is, you can damned well tell them, but because most Aspies have problems with tone of voice/expression, and most people only actually "hear" like 10-20% of what you're saying. I've
told people things straight out before, and they've utterly ignored me. I had a youth pastor that was like this, for example, he'd keep touching me, I'd tell him "I don't like that, please stop" and he wouldn't stop, and I asked my friend about it and he's like "Oh, you just gotta tell him harder, you didn't make it known." I was like "What? I told him exactly what I meant." And basically he was trying to tell me I had to like, be a lot "harsher" in the way I told him things. I even sat that pastor down and explained to him why I didn't like being touched and stuff, and he didn't listen.
Unfortunately, some people just will not listen, so you're just kinda stuck...yelling at them. So, if they don't listen to you when you're being polite, you're pretty much gonna have to stop being polite. The only problem is, you can end up getting in more trouble than your impolite "attackers" if you would, so yeah. Or, it's simply not worth the trouble and you just gotta let the disrespect go.
Basically, this Dave Chapelle skit sums up everything.