Question:Have you ever been a victim of bullies?

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14 May 2011, 8:52 pm

Ever since I was in the first grade i've been a victim of bullies. It felt so motherf(bleep)ing awful!

My mom, sometimes, she used to "jump" me to different schools.

But It was still the same.

How do you feel?


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14 May 2011, 10:38 pm

YES- I think it's very hard to find an Aspie who has NOT been bullied at one time or the other. 99 percent of the time I was bullied, it was emotionally and verbal bullying and not physical but it hurt just the same.


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14 May 2011, 11:39 pm

Yes. I was.

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15 May 2011, 12:09 am

Definitelty, i am an aspie btw. I can recall a few times were it was very severe. One time in 7th grade we were in the gym locker room and i turn around to walk out of the locker room and there were 5 guys standing in front of me, next thing i know they were screaming at me tleling me to go to Heck(i used the nicer word) and that they wish i would just die cause i was so worthless, i nvr even met these ppl before or ever spoke to them, but they were friends with one of my worst enemies, again i dont know why we were enemies we barely knew each other, and of course things got worse. such as having my lock stolen from my locker and having gym clothes stolen, having ppl trying to break into my actual school locker, etc. and of course always hearing your name whispered or talked about walking down hallways. luckily things are a little better now that im in 9th grade, but middle school definitely was hard for me. the best thing to do is dont let it bother you and handle it with dignity instead of stooping to their level of maturity.


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15 May 2011, 1:36 am

Bullying (including physical violence) was a common part of growing up where I did until I was around 7 or 8, when my family moved towns. My ethnicity wasn't so outlandish in the town to which we moved. It was in the town from which we moved, which was probably a large part of why my sister and I were targeted so thoroughly.

But I think the truth of it is that almost each and every kid ends up bullied at least once. 12+ years is a long chunk of life after all.


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15 May 2011, 8:37 am

I too was bullied on and off through school, but it wasn't bad compared to some people's experiences.
I think you'll find that a vast majority have been bullied here.

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15 May 2011, 9:31 am

I was bullied throughout elementary and middle school, although I often had trouble telling whether I was being playfully teased, rightfully criticized for bad behavior, or bullied. :P

For some reason, the bullying tapered off near the beginning of high school. O_o I barely get bullied anymore, unlike some of my friends. I'm grateful that it's gone, but it's sort of confusing.

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15 May 2011, 1:19 pm

I have been bullied fewer times than I have bullied.
However, I see that most aspies are being bullied and I wonder if I am being bullied too and don't understand it.


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15 May 2011, 3:03 pm

I wish bullies never existed on this planet. "But then again, the order could not be restored."


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26 May 2011, 3:25 am

Yes. My whole life. Even no. I get boring after...the 1st time. :evil:

Not that it ended up to well for the last group of boys who tried to attak me, notie the tried. I do free style karate, so the result was predictable. All five of them on the floor moaning. I am a pasafist, except when people attack me.


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10 Mar 2012, 4:15 pm

All bullies should be tied up and hung from a tree by their thumbs.

*Grumbles.* Hate people like that....*Grumbles.*

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10 Mar 2012, 10:53 pm

Oh, I remember I was in the receiving end of that. Some people I didn't know would sometimes make fun of me (in some cases I realized it years ago, in the moment I just didn't get it), but there were guys in my school who had it far worse. At least I had good friends who made things bearable and presented an united front of things threatened to get out of hand.


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11 Mar 2012, 6:01 am

Not really bullied like in those movies, but:
-As a kid, my older sister and younger brother teamed up to tease me
-The kids of my mom's friends used to tease me
-When I was 15, the people in my class put chewing gum in my hair + post-its on my back

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11 Mar 2012, 12:34 pm

A little bit when I was younger, but it didn't get too bad.

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11 Mar 2012, 6:50 pm

A lot when I was younger, but now I'm large and look intimidating, especially when someone is irritating me. Therefore bullies avoid me and my friends, and I avoid them.


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11 Mar 2012, 7:14 pm

bradt4evr wrote:
Definitelty, i am an aspie btw. I can recall a few times were it was very severe. One time in 7th grade we were in the gym locker room and i turn around to walk out of the locker room and there were 5 guys standing in front of me, next thing i know they were screaming at me tleling me to go to Heck(i used the nicer word) and that they wish i would just die cause i was so worthless, i nvr even met these ppl before or ever spoke to them, but they were friends with one of my worst enemies, again i dont know why we were enemies we barely knew each other, and of course things got worse. such as having my lock stolen from my locker and having gym clothes stolen, having ppl trying to break into my actual school locker, etc. and of course always hearing your name whispered or talked about walking down hallways. luckily things are a little better now that im in 9th grade, but middle school definitely was hard for me. the best thing to do is dont let it bother you and handle it with dignity instead of stooping to their level of maturity.

It's because they felt you were interrupting or eavesdropping on their conversation.

They thought you were being rude. I get that.

I had a similar situation with like the 5 guys in the locker room. I ended up kicking one of the guys in the balls, I got so mad.

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