freakin annoying lil sister-never says anything straight out
my eleven yr old sis can never just get to the point. for example if her braces hurt she cant just ever say that the hurt, she has to make a big production of it!! !(btw braces DONT HURT THAT MUCH!!) she ha to whimper and whine in a pathetic attempt to get someone to ask whats wrong (not me though she knows that i probably couldnt care less.) is this an NT thing? i dont get it.
Billy was a chemist's son, but now he is no more, what he thought was H2O was H2SO4, HEY!
I don't have braces but while a few people I knew didn't bother getting them much some had to take pain meds and couldn't eat anything they had to chew for up to two weeks.
About the point you're making - my parents never seem to just get to the point, explain everything multiple times (even if it's just a request to bring something to the post office or reminding my borther or I to emty the dishwasher) and doen't tell people that he's, for example, having a headache but keeps 'whining' about everything else around him until someone asks that is willing to listen to a ten-minutes-long headache discription.
I'm not sure if it's an NT thing or not. I usually 'suffer in silence', so to say, and the more I hurt the less I say. It just seems to be very different from person to person - I know quiete a few NTs who just cope with physical pain and go on doing their job or hobby even if they're sick and others seem to take as little as a sleepless night as an excuse to rant about how bad they feel until one would get the impression that they broke their neck or something. -.-
It's not an NT thing, anyone can decide to do that, and you better BELIEVE that autistics do that too! anyway yes does sound annoying... I think she's just into ranting too much about her braces, and braces can hurt quite a bit, it varies from case to case. Her nerves will get used to them. did she just get them tightened or what?
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