muslimmetalhead wrote:
Ddddd wrote:
I'm 20 in a month, and I act and look like someone who's 15-16
I need your help.
What little things do you notice that are different from 12-13 year olds that 15-16 year olds do?
How I see it (I'm a girl)
Me at 12-13: I used to be hyperactive when I was 12-13, and my main interest was Spongebob Squarepants. I had no interest in having a relationship and didn't see a social hierarchy between the girls at school. I also played with the boys during the break, and I think boys become more mature a bit later than girls.
Others at 12-13: Cliques, having cooler, popular kids and less cool kids, trying to act older, a lot of fights over nothing, having 'crushes' etc.
Me at 15-16: Obsessed with music, but still an interest in cartoons, little interest in having a relationship. No interest in alcohol, smoking, going out
Others at 15-16: Already experimenting with alcohol, cigarettes, and maybe other substances. (I think the 14-year-olds even already do this in 2012). Interested in sexual relationships. Want to be 18 so they can learn how to drive (in our country). But still dependent on their parents for money, a home etc. Music also becomes important (but this happens earlier for most of the people, I guess), they want 'freedom'
Me at 19-20: Obsessed with music (poppunk - most of the people see this as music for kids between 11-16

) , interest in relationships (but failing), still very dependent on my parents
Others at 19-20: More 'mature' interests, grown-ups, going out often, less drama, stable relationships etc.
ADD :: yay for neurodiversity
rdos aspie score: 142