Intellectual Fixations > Typical Age interests

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31 Mar 2012, 2:29 pm

I decided to make this thread since I really feel isolated in comparison to my typical developing peers who have common interests while I'm more interested in abstruse / difficult questions. If your like me , post your interests here!

(Ranked in order)

1. Vacant

2. Philosophy of science:
- why people erroneously are influenced by real world analogies/conceptual metaphors to be applied to unknown areas of phenomenon in their idea formulations
- the issue of assumptions in science
- criticism of interpretations of results in science including Quantum Mechanics

3. Formal Symbolic Logic:
- if a complicated function can be deduced to a single number to represent complex phenomenon
- is it possible to determine the causation of a particular entities location in random processes?

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain

Last edited by DuneyBlues on 01 Apr 2012, 5:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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02 Apr 2012, 7:07 pm

A bit of an odd interest of mine is reading books like the kama sutra. It has improved my social skills with women greatly.


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24 May 2012, 5:24 pm

I like a lot of things that most other adolescents would find weird/boring/creepy/obscure; studying psychology for one. I read books about AS, introversion, high sensitivity, raising non-neurotypical kids (even though I don't have any kids) the way my friends read Cosmo and People magazines. For a while one of my intellectual interests was deadly diseases, specifically Ebola. I loved reading about it, and was morbidly fascinated with the horrible symptoms; the higher the mortality rate, the better. It wasn't an antisocial "I want to watch people suffer" kind of thing, it was just a bizarre interest that had less to do with the people, and more to do with the disease itself. I think my mom was glad when I finally put that interest on the shelf though!
I also have a current obsession with Star Trek, less of an intellectual interest, granted, but I still love analysing it, and it's taught me a lot of useful things about basic human nature.
Regardless of what my interests are at any given point however, I'm still waiting for the day when I become obsessed with something normal like boys or clothes or makeup or shopping. Knowing me though, if I ever did develop an interest in any of that, I'd study it and immerse myself in it to such a degree that it would no longer be considered normal! Sigh, such is the life of the eccentrically obsessed.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
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24 May 2012, 6:43 pm

Yeah, I am the same. Even though some of the broad categories of my interests vs. NTs interests are the same, the specific interests are not. Like, the music I listen to is different for instance. I like bands that adults usually like, not rappers or teen pop stars. I tend to like family movies (though not exclusively), while other kids are mostly watching romance and horror. I do like some teen movies (The Hunger Games and The Outsiders for instance), but not things like Twilight. I also am interested in genetics (though not genetic diseases, as that triggers my OCD) and family relationships (like I enjoy figuring out who someone's grandmother's child's child's child is). I also enjoy psychology. I don't think I will ever have "normal" interests.


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28 May 2012, 3:56 am

I like Psychology, Neuroscience, Anatomy of the Human Body, Nutrition, Computer Science Programming(although Im NOT good at the math part) those are my special interests. Sadly though no one here in real life has my interests, so Iv learned to keep quiet and pay attention to what they like, because of this sometimes theyll ask me questions about why I like those above things :?: I'm open to answering them but not going over there heads? :?:
I also seem to have some common interests(but obsessed ones) like anime, video-games, reading. Those I talk about with other people. Do you?From personal experience I find it best to sometimes fake interests(or tell the person I'm not interested but ill still listen to em) when it comes to their interests, most often at times when I do that they'll ask me about my special interests mentioned above? Maybe you should try that?


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31 May 2012, 1:33 pm

Mine are either Babyish (Winnie the pooh, disney!) Or nerdy/geeky: GCSE level astronomy. So... My peers love One direction, justin bieber. Though One of my obsessions IS coldplay... And that, to the extenct I love it, Is considered "Sad." I can't help it!! ! =P


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31 May 2012, 8:45 pm

I also like music, science, some shopping(in game stores or when the stores arent busy Ill go get some clothes). Im obsessed with J-POP!!


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01 Jun 2012, 1:17 am

Keniichi wrote:
I also like music, science, some shopping(in game stores or when the stores arent busy Ill go get some clothes). Im obsessed with J-POP!!

Minus the J-Pop it sounds a lot like me! =) Though due to the materials, Its really hard for me to find clothes that are comfy and look alright on me! =/


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02 Jun 2012, 9:31 pm

CaliforniaSh33p wrote:
Keniichi wrote:
I also like music, science, some shopping(in game stores or when the stores arent busy Ill go get some clothes). Im obsessed with J-POP!!

Minus the J-Pop it sounds a lot like me! =) Though due to the materials, Its really hard for me to find clothes that are comfy and look alright on me! =/

Ya I mainly stick with online shopping now. I cant drive and its not fair for my mother to take me clothes shopping.



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03 Jun 2012, 12:41 pm

Keniichi wrote:
I like Psychology, Neuroscience, Anatomy of the Human Body, Nutrition, Computer Science Programming(although Im NOT good at the math part) those are my special interests. Sadly though no one here in real life has my interests, so Iv learned to keep quiet and pay attention to what they like, because of this sometimes theyll ask me questions about why I like those above things :?: I'm open to answering them but not going over there heads? :?:
I also seem to have some common interests(but obsessed ones) like anime, video-games, reading. Those I talk about with other people. Do you?From personal experience I find it best to sometimes fake interests(or tell the person I'm not interested but ill still listen to em) when it comes to their interests, most often at times when I do that they'll ask me about my special interests mentioned above? Maybe you should try that?

Neuroscience is my special interest too! More precisely, neurodegeneration. At my school, a lot of people make fun of it for no obvious reason. I guess it occurs because they simply don't understand how is it like to have a fixation. They seem to be interested in only in being popular.

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03 Jun 2012, 1:32 pm

Lawl, was constantly ridiculed by people when i first entered high school cuz my interests had to do with the natura of reality, with uncovering/learning truth about the world and about how it works, soooooo yeah, lol i made 1 friend talking bout that stuff but we been friends ever since xD i only make few friends cuz its difficult for me to fake an interest in superfical things like what people are wearing or like what she totally said that was like so mean, like i swear! xD

It sucks i suppose but at least the few friends i do have are good close friends that ive known for years so i guess its like a trade off.
But whateves, there all still wondering about whats cool and im on the brink of self-enlightenment lol Life is weird

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12 Jun 2012, 9:59 am

My special interests are science in particular biology but a little chemistry/physics, astronomy and oddly serial killers, not in a want to see people die way but it's fascinating in some sense!


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14 Jun 2012, 7:28 am

I was lucky in the sense that most of my interests (mostly artistic, humorous or entertainment based) are generally interesting to most people, but my music tastes leave me really isolated somehow, despite the fact that I listen to quite a few popular ones (not for social acceptance, but because I like them.) Most people in particular seem to find my sketches cool and like my taste in video games...which works out well since my sketches are very video game influenced.

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Currently working on getting in a studio to record my solo album 40+ tracks written.

Chatroom nicks: MetalFluttershy/MetalTwilight/SanityTheorist

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24 Nov 2012, 4:54 am

I like to study astronomy, physics, some animals, flowers, mushrooms, history (Europe middle ages mostly but i've done more like slave trade, Civil Rights), ballet, Jeanne La Pucelle (Joan of Arc), LGBT rights (to be put on hold because I always get vexed and unable to be productive and sometimes I get too full of pride when researching Westboro and other loveless places and places that not loveless I am convicted they are incorrect, I am merely not mature enough to research this I suppose) Philosophy.
these are not all from the same time trulysome are long standing (history Jeanne, animals, ballet) some are old(mushrooms, flowers,philosophy, sociology) some are new (Physics, astronomy, LTGB)

Most kids in my class like 1direction, tv, pop music, aeropostle, holister, pretty people on shows (often they say "I like X best she is the prettiest" I have never thought this way except when I was very young like 3) that is for girls, most boys like video games, jokes,hockey. this is stereotyping but my class is quite stereotyped in what they like as they have a girls mostly hang out with girls vice versa pattern.


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24 Nov 2012, 1:28 pm

Teenagers are just lame in general often.

My music at:

Currently working on getting in a studio to record my solo album 40+ tracks written.

Chatroom nicks: MetalFluttershy/MetalTwilight/SanityTheorist