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12 May 2012, 3:12 pm

So I found out a while ago that I'm not allowed to date until I'm in college, because dating at "such a young age" (I mean, I'm 18 already :?) is disruptive to academics and stuff like that.
Is anyone else in a similar situation?

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12 May 2012, 4:32 pm

No, but all the people I know are complete idiots except for this guy I recently developed a crush on. I don't think he can tell, though. :oops:

I'm allowed to date as long as the guy isn't younger than me.

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12 May 2012, 4:51 pm

Albirea wrote:
So I found out a while ago that I'm not allowed to date until I'm in college, because dating at "such a young age" (I mean, I'm 18 already :?) is disruptive to academics and stuff like that.
Is anyone else in a similar situation?

Unless you are the subject of court ordered guardianship, you are free to date/marry whoever you want. However it is still fairly common for some people to wait until they graduate to date and it's really not a bad idea. Keep in mind that parents/relatives objecting to who you date is known to happen at any age.

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12 May 2012, 5:22 pm

wait if you're 18 how are you not 'allowed' to date?...legally you are.

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12 May 2012, 8:38 pm

Your parents probably think you're immature for your age and, since you're a girl, unable to handle the advances of guys your age. Is it unfair? Yes. Are they wrong to have that rule? Can't tell, since I don't know you. Be honest with yourself: If a guy was pressuring you to have sex with him, could you handle it? Negotiating and telling truth from lies isn't exactly our strong suit, remember. John Browning is right that legally, you can do as you like since you're an adult. But if they're feeding you and housing you, telling them to mind their own business is not so easy to do. Sit down with your mother and get some details about what she's worried about, and ask yourself if she's right or wrong.

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12 May 2012, 8:39 pm

Er... how old are you? 18?

Can you date outside your house?


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12 May 2012, 9:28 pm

I'm not, but it was a different experience for me. In middle school, my parents tried to push me into the social world (middle school was a point in my life where I was depressed and, looking back, I was probably anti-social around everybody except my friends or people I was fortunate enough to know) and actually said, "Why don't you go out with... (girl's name)". I was against everybody in that school at the time, so I shunned all of their suggestions and practically fought against them.
At this point in my life though, I have a girl I like (she's been a friend of mine since elementary school) but she doesn't go to my school and I'm barely able to see her right now. I want to ask her out at some point, but because I haven't seen her in a while this is going to be long road :roll: but I'm willing to go through it.
As for your parents, it sounds pretty strict to me. It's not bad though, my parents we're pretty strict about some things too. I was just more obedient towards my parents and when I asked politely for more privileges after listening to them I got them. Not sure about your situation, but it's what worked for me. Hope this helps!

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12 May 2012, 10:01 pm

You are 18 years old and can do whatever you want to do. The most your parents can do is get angry or if they want to be completely unreasonable, kick you out if you are living with them. If I were you, I would inform them that you will be dating if you find someone you want to go out with and that they need to either accept it or keep their opinions to themselves.

I let mine date from the time they were about 13 or 14. Of course they had to have one of us drive them or get a ride from an older sibling. My oldest daughter started dating her fiance at 13. We had known him for years and he was 16 at the time. He's a nice boys. She's an honor student and gets all kinds of awards, etc. When she was 15 my oldest son moved out and she moved into the attached garage which had been renovated into an apartment years before. It has it's own entrance from outside, and is attached to the house with a door into the laundry room. Sitting room, sleeping area, walk in closet, storage closet, full bath. It's nice. He moved in with her then and has been living with her since. So, they have been living together for three years and engaged now, and she's still an honor student.

Dating has no impact on her grades and as long as you keep good study habits, they won't impact yours either. At 18 you need to stand up for yourself nicely but firmly and even if they are unreasonable, stand your ground and do not yell, cry, or throw a temper fit.

Good luck.

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13 May 2012, 12:28 am

If you want to date, date. Don't hit your parents over the head with it and make them mad at you, but if they're being unreasonable you should explain yourself. Don't just do what they say regardless anymore.

I'm 15, and likewise under legal custody, so my parents can technically bar me from doing things if they wanted, but I don't think they would if I were to do anything regarding dating. They say I can't date until I'm 18, and I'm fine with that, since I'm totally uninterested at this point anyway.

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13 May 2012, 4:41 pm

The main reason my mom doesn't want me to date in high school is that the available pool is limited, and there will be a lot more, and "better", people to choose from in college, especially because college students have to be specially selected via an application to go there in the first place.
Reason number two is that she thinks dating before college is more academically and emotionally risky. In middle school and high school, students are going through puberty, so that means raging hormones, indecisiveness, and emotional immaturity mixed into the already dramatic nature of dating. In college, however, the students have all reached adulthood, and they become more rational and stable.

I see her point in both of these reasons, however, I feel that I'm mature enough to handle a relationship with a well-chosen guy. I can't just go right ahead and declare, "I can do whatever I want", because as of right now, I'm still living under my parents' roof, and they will be funding most of my college education as well.

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13 May 2012, 6:50 pm

I'm not allowed to date because I'm Mormon, but I turn 16 on the first of June, then I should be able to.

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13 May 2012, 11:01 pm

At my house, my siblings and I weren't allowed to date until we were 16. My younger sisters both started dating at 13 despite the rule. I'll turn 18 years old and in college in November, but I still haven't dated. I have no interest in a relationship either. Most high schools boys are too immature to handle a relationship anyway and are not worth your time. I always thought from the time I was 15 to save dating for college. I'm going to college soon, and if I ever decide to date, I would rather date in college than high school.

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16 May 2012, 10:33 pm

My mom wanted me to date, she said it would help, and it has


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16 May 2012, 10:48 pm

Albirea wrote:
The main reason my mom doesn't want me to date in high school is that the available pool is limited, and there will be a lot more, and "better", people to choose from in college, especially because college students have to be specially selected via an application to go there in the first place.
Reason number two is that she thinks dating before college is more academically and emotionally risky. In middle school and high school, students are going through puberty, so that means raging hormones, indecisiveness, and emotional immaturity mixed into the already dramatic nature of dating. In college, however, the students have all reached adulthood, and they become more rational and stable.

I see her point in both of these reasons, however, I feel that I'm mature enough to handle a relationship with a well-chosen guy. I can't just go right ahead and declare, "I can do whatever I want", because as of right now, I'm still living under my parents' roof, and they will be funding most of my college education as well.

Well a couple points:

-Honestly all you have to do is pass highschool to get into college, its not as though they specially select only the best of the best future students. So I am not sure why she thinks people in college would be so much better.

-She is right it's more risky.....but considering you are 18 it should be up to you to take that risk or not, but of course take precautions. Also though typically by late highschool puberty is over for most. I don't know of many 18 year olds still going through puberty.

-And yeah I wouldn't suggest declaring that either......however I hope they really would not seriously use that you live under their roof and their funding of your college education to control all aspects of your life. But maybe waiting till college is a better idea depending on how limited the 'pool' is I mean is there even anyone you are interested in right now?

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17 May 2012, 4:42 am

My parents don't mind and kind of encourage me to do so :) (Dating that is)


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17 May 2012, 9:12 am

im Muslim so me too.
At least not the way everyone else does it

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