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Are You A Transhumanist?
Yes, I am a Transhumanist 33%  33%  [ 6 ]
No, I am not a Transhumanist 67%  67%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 18


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20 Mar 2012, 8:25 pm

I am an 18 year old Transhumanist, i became one when i was 16, shortly after i became atheist but Transhumanism is compatible with religion just ask The Mormon Transhumanist Association, but due to my obsolete belief in an afterlife i became increasingly interested in Life Extension and found The Immortality Institute( which is a non-profit organization that advocates Extreme Life Extension, Imminst introduced me to Transhumanism and i got hooked. i have EVERY publication of the Journal of Evolution and Technology, the Transhumanist peer reviewed scientific journal, i have several copies of H+ Magazine, i celebrate Future Day, and after i get a job i intend to start attending the Conferences like the Singularity Summit

i have found it increasingly difficult to find fellow Transhumanists younger than 30

the purpose of this post is to find fellow Transhumanists that are teens and 20s, you know peers, and to discuss Transhumanism in any way we see fit

hopefully this post will get more people to join or at least be interested in the movement, currently i for sure know of 2 other Transhumanists on WP ... lation.htm this is an essay by Dr. Max More PhD that discusses the argument of Life Extension and Overpopulation ... claration/

Nick Bostrom is a PhD Philosopher at Oxford who created the World Transhumanist Association
most publicly active Transhumanists are actual scientists working in the field but there are countless thousands of supporters, this is, whether you like it or not, the future

wikipedia describes Transhumanism as:
Transhumanism, abbreviated as H+ or h+, is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies. They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1]

Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov (June 9, 1827–December 28, 1903) was a Russian Orthodox Christian philosopher, who was part of the Russian cosmism movement and a precursor of transhumanism. Fyodorov advocated radical life extension, physical immortality and even resurrection of the dead, using scientific methods. here is a link to some Frequently Asked Questions

Timothy Leary(icon of the 60s) as well as Ram Dass, and Terence McKenna were Psychadelic Transhumanists

Dr. Timothy Leary PhD was famous for the phrase "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" he also coined the acronym SMI2LE(that 2 means squared btw) SM (Space Migration) + I2 (Intelligence Increase) + LE (Life Extension)

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Tufted Titmouse
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20 Mar 2012, 8:56 pm

Check out
Think it might be of interest to you.


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20 Mar 2012, 9:01 pm

Serious question- so transhumanist just means that you believe in trying to make it so humans live longer?



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20 Mar 2012, 9:05 pm

Blueberrypie wrote:
Check out
Think it might be of interest to you.

Dr. Aubry de Grey was the first Transhumanist i ever heard of

WP Strident Atheist
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20 Mar 2012, 9:08 pm

I got a little lost there, but I do believe that there is hidden potential in the human body. (It gets less creepy after a while)

(This guy's ability has some skeptism, and probably isn't as awesome as they say) ... re=related

I also believe that the future will have projects that can create super human abilities.

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Mar 2012, 9:11 pm

Heard of the computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution?
You can draw a distinct line between Transhuman ideologies and this sci-fi game.

Found you guys a fancy trailer.


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20 Mar 2012, 9:15 pm

Alexender wrote:
Serious question- so transhumanist just means that you believe in trying to make it so humans live longer?

no our goals are many, we believe in Life Extension, Cryonics, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Super Intelligence, pretty much any technology that can enhance the human condition

Life Extension is just the current most pressing matter because we feel ageing is a terrible affliction on humanity that must be done away with, those Transhumanists are called Immortalists but we don't mean actual immorality we mean Biological Immortality, the majority of humans on earth subscribe to the Deathist worldview

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20 Mar 2012, 9:51 pm

Blueberrypie wrote:
Heard of the computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution?
You can draw a distinct line between Transhuman ideologies and this sci-fi game.

Found you guys a fancy trailer.

Deus Ex has a lot of Transhumanist themes, in the game there is the Nigerian Transhumanist Association

and your boss, David Sarif, refers to you as Transhumanists in an email, and the game is about Transhumanists wanting to control their bodies as they see fit and the human "purists" want to dictate their will over Transhumanists by using terrorism to scare the Transhumanists who are peaceful and you play the head of security for Sarif Industries who nearly dies in a terrorist attack and is rebuilt with Augmentations

remember Transhumanism was officially around for about 20 years

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21 Mar 2012, 9:39 am

If you think about everyone has Transhumanist tendencies, aside from the Amish, everyone always jumps to get the latest gadgets like video games and iphones and everyone is so excited when people make technological breakthroughs getting them new toys like touchscreen, ever heard of Microsoft's experimental invention Skinput? ... e/skinput/

Skinput basically turns your body into a touchscreen using a bioacoustic sensor array

WP Strident Atheist
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24 Mar 2012, 1:23 pm

TheKing wrote:
I am an 18 year old Transhumanist, i became one when i was 16, shortly after i became atheist but Transhumanism is compatible with religion just ask The Mormon Transhumanist Association, but due to my obsolete belief in an afterlife i became increasingly interested in Life Extension and found The Immortality Institute( which is a non-profit organization that advocates Extreme Life Extension, Imminst introduced me to Transhumanism and i got hooked. i have EVERY publication of the Journal of Evolution and Technology, the Transhumanist peer reviewed scientific journal, i have several copies of H+ Magazine, i celebrate Future Day, and after i get a job i intend to start attending the Conferences like the Singularity Summit

i have found it increasingly difficult to find fellow Transhumanists younger than 30

the purpose of this post is to find fellow Transhumanists that are teens and 20s, you know peers, and to discuss Transhumanism in any way we see fit

hopefully this post will get more people to join or at least be interested in the movement, currently i for sure know of 2 other Transhumanists on WP ... lation.htm this is an essay by Dr. Max More PhD that discusses the argument of Life Extension and Overpopulation ... claration/

Nick Bostrom is a PhD Philosopher at Oxford who created the World Transhumanist Association
most publicly active Transhumanists are actual scientists working in the field but there are countless thousands of supporters, this is, whether you like it or not, the future

wikipedia describes Transhumanism as:
Transhumanism, abbreviated as H+ or h+, is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies. They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label "posthuman".[1]

Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov (June 9, 1827–December 28, 1903) was a Russian Orthodox Christian philosopher, who was part of the Russian cosmism movement and a precursor of transhumanism. Fyodorov advocated radical life extension, physical immortality and even resurrection of the dead, using scientific methods. here is a link to some Frequently Asked Questions

Timothy Leary(icon of the 60s) as well as Ram Dass, and Terence McKenna were Psychadelic Transhumanists

Dr. Timothy Leary PhD was famous for the phrase "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" he also coined the acronym SMI2LE(that 2 means squared btw) SM (Space Migration) + I2 (Intelligence Increase) + LE (Life Extension)

Hey, if it's compatible with my religion, I'm all for it.

Not a bad idea; however, I have my own issues to deal with it.

Maybe once I'm in like college or something, I'll think about it.

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09 Apr 2012, 10:48 am

i really hope you do think about it, its a wonderful movement full of very brilliant people

my obsession has always been over learning, many aspects of Transhumanism such as Life Extension appeal to me because it would allow me to live longer to ultimately learn more and broaden my knowledge exponentially

WP Strident Atheist
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17 Dec 2012, 9:43 am

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18 Dec 2012, 8:37 pm

I'm all for healing and increasing our medical capacity.
But I'm not for extending my life, if I'm going to die, might as well not prolong the inevitable. Let it come.

Best Regards,


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30 Dec 2012, 7:22 am

Awsome! i'm a trans-humanist too! I am a strong believer that we will have nanobot replacements for blood by 2024 (though not 100% of blood will be replaced at first). which at first would only be affordable for the rich but will eventually become cheap enough for the average Joe to use. although it will probably be provided by the government once it becomes cheaper than the normal geriatrics.

TheKing wrote:
i have found it increasingly difficult to find fellow Transhumanists younger than 30

here is a forum dedicated to the discussion of life extension and the future :) (my names Pulsar there)

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