I turned 16 last December. Has to be the most....challenging age for me so far. I don't know but it seems with every teenaged year a new challenge is waiting for me. A personal challenge. So yep, 16 gave me the biggest identity challenge of all! Nothing bad at all, just extremely misunderstood. *Fold hands* I'm ready to clash heads with society once more. Okay, that made me sound like an idiot but I'm trying to stay confident with something that could risk everyone ditching me.
So, yeah. On a serious note, a day after my sixteenth birthday I found out something about myself that...put all of my little peices together after years of wondering why I don't act nor feel like my own gender. And...I feel very very strongly about who I am and what I want to be but where conflict comes in is my acceptence from society and even family. So...my point is, whatever misunderstood problem that you would like to get of your chest or want to talk about, I will not judge. If your going down a difficult road about something that it seems no one can understand or want to hear, I'm willing to listen.
Because, as you can see above, being misunderstood and judged harshly is no new game for me and...well it's not gonna stop. Not for me.
So, yeah. If you want to PM me, cool. If not, that's completely fine too. Haha! I know I sound unusual!
Oh, yeah. My interrests are animation, voice acting, sketching and writing. I just think it's epic that with some technology and some animation skills that you can make a fictional world or character come to life.