Well, I have two, both who haved moved away since, but we're still best friends. (We email and call each other when we can.)
When I moved to Ohio, the teacher assigned two girls to be my helpers and show me around. They were friends with another girl, Mel. We were all best friends for awhile, and I ended up growing closer to Mel than all the rest because we weren't too different. We were both quieter and more serious than the other two girls. She lives on the other side of the US now, but we still talk quite frequently. I realized a few weeks ago that it's been about five years since we've seen each other face to face. In any case, I trust her more than anyone else, and she knows me pretty well. (Better than everyone else at least.)
The second one I met in PSR (Parish School of Religion, aka Sunday School). We're very different people - she's loud and outgoing and crazy - but somehow we ended up becoming friends. I'm not quite sure how that happened, actually.
She lives pretty far away too, although not nearly as far as Mel, and we see each other once in awhile. Mostly we email.
Both of my friends are part of my website, so we all talk about that periodically too.
I like them both very much.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!