Don't worry at all, just take your time and be interested in what you are interested in. Every once in a while just take a look at the girls in your vicinity. There might be a very attractive girl nearby who is already interested in you but you've never noticed.
Many girls are attracted to guys who have intense focus, who have original thoughts and a future. You just have to notice them. (not all girls of course, but many and the most interesting ones. You only need one to have a girlfriend, you don't have to appeal to every one of them!
But don't worry about it! You have your own internal clock like everybody else, and it won't do you any good comparing yourself to nts or other aspies or anyone else. A lot of us get anxious and try too hard and end up feeling like phonies and being alone for long periods but many many aspies do end up married and with kids. I don't know statistics, I'd be curious and I suspect they are better than people would suppose. Many guys, including NTs are totally clueless but most eventually end up in relationships in spite of themselves.