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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Jul 2014, 4:42 pm

Hey, guys. I graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago, and looking back on high school, I can honestly say that it wasn't that great. I spent most of it being awkward, not knowing who I was, and hanging out with douches. I was never really happy in high school; I was always angry or sad in some ways. I felt like a weirdo, or an outcast at times, and there were some idiots/as*holes at my high school. I made some good friends & made some funny memories in high school, but high school kind of sucked for me, overall. How was high school for you guys?

Additionally, someone said to me that high school will be the best years of your life. That is a lie; a complete, utter lie. High school is just a bunch of meaningless bull****.


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02 Jul 2014, 5:00 pm

Firstly, congratulations!

I agree completely. I dropped out of high school two weeks into my last year there. I was bored to tears, had just one friend (which was okay, actually), was intentionally intimidated by the faculty and administration, and some students, and wanted to move on to college.

The laws of my state at the time required me to wait a year [?!?] before I could complete the high-school GED equivalency test with which I could then complete the ACT college-entrance test. Though the GED test administrator told me to complete just one of the five sections per day, I completed all five in the same time that was allotted for one. I scored above the norm. A month later, I aced the ACT test earning some class credit for my high test results.

I describe all this only to show that I agree about how disorganized and methodically rote public high schools are. They don't generally care or even know about student's needs and capabilities (both good and bad). As a result, they do nothing to accommodate the students.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Jul 2014, 5:16 pm

Thank you for congratulating me. :) Additionally, wow, all of that stuff that you had to go through in high school must have sucked so much. The faculty & staff actually INTIMIDATED you? What the hell? Why would they do that?

I agree with you on how high school is disorganized & methodically rote. High school basically feels as though you're doing the same thing over and over again, with little in the way of variation. I always felt bored with my classes, in one way or another. I literally feel that I've learned nothing in high school. High school didn't give me valuable life lessons, and it didn't help me in growing as a person. Rather, high school made me angrier and less happy. High school sucks balls.


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02 Jul 2014, 5:58 pm

graduate school (being surrounded with motivated people with common interests) was the best time of my life.


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03 Jul 2014, 2:54 pm

My high school experience is sharply different from most here, because that was when I began my recovery from my psychotic episode at 14 and there was new hope for the future that I didn't have before.

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04 Jul 2014, 12:03 am

freshman year was amazing.
but i have (and always had) a tendency to make friends older than me (one grade up), and jump fro group to group, only superficially knowing it's people, not getting to know them enough to be really accepted.
and whan they graduated it was always a shame.

academically i got ok grades, if not somewhat poor. i got extended time on tests, stuff like that but i never really had to use them.
i scribble and doodle on my papers, always have but i don't think teachers care.
i wasn't bullied a lot, just ignored, passively accepted.
i only have one year left though. not sure what to think.... :?

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04 Jul 2014, 12:33 am

My first two years were great, third year I was separated from my friends and had a pretty serious bout of depression, the last year all of my friends ditched me and that was awful. Basically senior year screwed with my high school memories and now I'm glad I'm out of there.

Academically I was actually fairly we'll-off. I was in AP classes and in a special program in my school that was accelerated. Though I hated taking classes on things that didn't interest me, and my high school didn't really let us tailor our schedule until senior year, so that was annoying. I didn't really pay attention most of the time.

I just graduated as well actually, so yeah. We survived :D


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09 Jul 2014, 1:26 am

LuigiDude wrote:
Thank you for congratulating me. :) Additionally, wow, all of that stuff that you had to go through in high school must have sucked so much. The faculty & staff actually INTIMIDATED you? What the hell? Why would they do that?

I agree with you on how high school is disorganized & methodically rote. High school basically feels as though you're doing the same thing over and over again, with little in the way of variation. I always felt bored with my classes, in one way or another. I literally feel that I've learned nothing in high school. High school didn't give me valuable life lessons, and it didn't help me in growing as a person. Rather, high school made me angrier and less happy. High school sucks balls.


High school teaches you absolutely nothing important in life. It just teaches us some very basic math, english and science and maybe whatever other classes we picked. That's pretty much it. A dumbed down, kiddie-version of complex stuff only higher education teaches us.

I think high school just doesn't work for us aspies. It may slightly teach us better social skills but it generally just makes us worse.

I love high school right now; it's the best thing that's happened to me; but before high school I was popular, young, happy and mature.

High school pushed this back for me and broke my spirit in the beginning but I've managed to only bounce back lately...


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09 Jul 2014, 4:56 am

It was the best time of my life. I finally got friends (with some of them I am friends even now) and I wasn't bullied there. In fact I was quite respected.
It was a small, private school of one group for every year. My year got 17 people (I was usually in 30-35 people groups before in schools with 5-8 groups per year that so it was a huge difference) and half of them got some issues. There was a schizophrenic girl, mentally delayed boy, a gender nonconforming boy, a few dyslexics or people with dyscalculia etc. I was feeling "at home". :D


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09 Jul 2014, 3:28 pm

the art program at my HS is the only thing about it i really like. if it wasn't for that i would be on my knees begging to switch to s smaller school, like some people i know did.

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15 Jul 2014, 7:54 pm

I graduated a few weeks ago too, finally.
It wasn't good for me, I only had 2 years in my home town with friends. The rest were in schools far away (like my senior year) where I made no friends and had to watch others have fun. I've really missed out on a lot...


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17 Jul 2014, 12:11 pm

I also just graduated and I have to say that it was horrible. I got straight A's the first 2 years and straight B's the next two. I had a mental breakdown in March 2010 and wanted to kill myself and in March 2014 I left high school and finished by email. I also went to the hospital to deal with my mental illness. I was accepted into 18 colleges but I am unfortunately going to a community college not of my choice as I wanted to attend film school. I went to a prestigious (expensive) Catholic/private school, kind of like a fancy academy. I had only one friend, and I later lost him when I changed from all honors and AP classes to regular because I could no longer deal with the stress.

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17 Jul 2014, 6:29 pm

High School was s**t. I didn't make any friends, and I hardly learned anything.
I'm lucky to be done with it. :)

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18 Jul 2014, 7:48 am

If this counts, I've just finished secondary school.

It was horrible. I hated it. In my first year I was happy and had lots of friends, but one "friend" spread rumours and lies about me, and used to make fun of my behaviour. I got bullied by both my classmates and teachers about my behaviour and was ostracised too. I'm so glad to have finished my GCSEs and secondary school.

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22 Jul 2014, 9:13 pm

I'm still in it but ill tell you what its been like. Im in a sped school full of kids who are seriously emotionally unstable and oftentimes not to bright and i have aspergers so basically i end up feeling like I'm babysitting them most of the time and i pretty much look down on all of them (I've actually rejected girls from there pretty blatantly she came up to me and asked me out and i basically told her that i was keeping my virginity until i could loose it to someone i was sure wouldn't go marina hobbit on me), theres a kid who's there do to smoking to much pot and having been caught doing it in school a few times and he's really cool, theres also a 12 year old who's in the same grade as me and i guess he's here because they couldn't send him to a normal high school, he's cool too as far as i can tell there the only two kids there that aren't seriously dam edged besides me and I'm not to close to either of them and I'm not counting the neo nazi because he dont count. I'm in summer school at public I'm doing great there and its good to just be around other normal people, my parents are surprised I'm not talking down to everyone there like i do at my current school but honestly the kids at my current school are "special" and the kids in summer school are "normal" so honestly i sure as hell amint. I'm just glad to be able to have normal conversations and stuff and I'm getting along really well with everyone.

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19 Aug 2014, 7:38 pm

Kiriae wrote:
It was the best time of my life. I finally got friends (with some of them I am friends even now) and I wasn't bullied there. In fact I was quite respected.
It was a small, private school of one group for every year. My year got 17 people (I was usually in 30-35 people groups before in schools with 5-8 groups per year that so it was a huge difference) and half of them got some issues. There was a schizophrenic girl, mentally delayed boy, a gender nonconforming boy, a few dyslexics or people with dyscalculia etc. I was feeling "at home". :D

if your counting being a queer as in the same catagory as being a scitzo or being "mentaly delayed" then i think your looking at the world wrong, i know people who are gay and i dont think theres anything wrong with them. its f*****g weird but i honestly dont think theres anything broken or morally wrong or anything about it, i really think at the end of the day its tottally fine and that it dosn't hurt anyone.