They say that if I really had it I would have been diagnosed when I was younger.
so, they're implying that they would have been completely ready to take you to a counselor or psychiatrist for a dx if you 'really had' it? i don't buy it.
it seems like they may have a more specific, or at least, different picture of aspergers.
i agree 100% with calstar, i think it's a nice idea to go through your past and try and couple events that happened to you, or what you did, and AS traits. that could be something.
peace of mind is a wonderful thing to me, i really just hate uncertainty, or limbo. even when a future outcome is negative or contrary to what i may have wanted, i would still like to be certain so i may prepare for it appropriately or 'make amends' if need be.
anyway, yes, while a dx via school counselors could open doors to opportunities/programs that you may or may not need/want, if YOU knowing that you really do have it is all you need a private, one-on-one is best, if you can find it. (like via family doctor as calstar mentioned)
my school counselors have gotten ahold of my dx, and every year my teachers are notified of it apparently.
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