tagnacious wrote:
I think the reason for this is that the intense physical sensory input distracts us from emotional pain. NTs do it to, but nowhere near as frequently. Simple physical pain is a great neurological distraction.
lots of NTs and otherwise 'cut' and engage in other methods of self harm.. i've never cut besides carving אחד on my arm once, and don't plan to. but i have liked to pinch my right forearm whenever i'm stressed and sort of "wipe" the blood that comes out of it. have a few scars scattered about. other than that, i don't really "show" my anger. not mush has really angered me recently besides...certain very recent events on this very site.
you might not hit your head hard enough to kill yourself outright but if you do see it becomes a problem, please invest in a helmet or do more of that calms you...brain injuries, concussions, plain dizziness, that's not fun. bruises too. i remember earlier in my senior year, i was stressed as hell and was banging my head on the lockers (i think i hit a few knobs) and i had a dull pain for the rest of the school day.
even plain head-banging as in, the type done by musicians, whipping their long hair back and forth, that's been known to cause nastiness.
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