I'm really confused whether I have Asperger's or not ... ?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Dec 2015, 4:02 pm

I'm really confused to whether I have Asperger's or not, some important symptoms appear, and some important others do not. I know online diagnosis is very silly but I had found no other way, or haven't succeeded in any other way. I struggle with my daily life. I used to think I was just super introverted but it appears to be a lot more than that. When I tell those whom I am "close" to that I think I do have Asperger's they really mock me and they don't take me seriously. They tell me that "People with asperger's can't talk, silly" or "If you did you would have been diagnosed way earlier". This quite bothers me a lot because they seem to misunderstand the concept.
Moving on, I am bad at maths, or at least used to be good at it. I do not have a messy handwriting which seems to be popular amongst aspies and autistic people. I get angry easily and yell a lot when I do. I am very socially awkward and I really hate people and reject hugs. I'm not smart, I get really bad marks in school. I'm very confused, I seem to fit nowhere, I hate everyone. :x


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12 Dec 2015, 4:11 pm

The only way you will find out for certain is to obtain the services of an appropriately-trained and licensed mental-health professional. People without the proper training will only give you their opinions, which are usually formed out of hearsay and ignorance.


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13 Dec 2015, 6:37 am

confused_individual wrote:
I'm really confused to whether I have Asperger's or not, some important symptoms appear, and some important others do not. I know online diagnosis is very silly but I had found no other way, or haven't succeeded in any other way. I struggle with my daily life. I used to think I was just super introverted but it appears to be a lot more than that. When I tell those whom I am "close" to that I think I do have Asperger's they really mock me and they don't take me seriously. They tell me that "People with asperger's can't talk, silly" or "If you did you would have been diagnosed way earlier". This quite bothers me a lot because they seem to misunderstand the concept.
Moving on, I am bad at maths, or at least used to be good at it. I do not have a messy handwriting which seems to be popular amongst aspies and autistic people. I get angry easily and yell a lot when I do. I am very socially awkward and I really hate people and reject hugs. I'm not smart, I get really bad marks in school. I'm very confused, I seem to fit nowhere, I hate everyone. :x

Have you taken the Aspie Quiz? If so, what was your score?
Aspie Quiz

The next step is to get a professional diagnoses. You should do it as soon as possible. Because the sooner you know, the sooner you can decide what you need to do about it.

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Kyle Katarn

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14 Dec 2015, 2:21 am

What symptoms do you have?