Hi, warmsand! It's a bit hard for me to give you any advice when I don't really know anything about you, but please hang on. There is always a place for you somewhere - follow your strengths and special interest/s and see where that takes you. In the meantime, you can always come here for some solidarity or advice. Do you see a psychologist/psychiatrist/mental health professional? They might be able to give you some guidance.
I often an worried about my future, too. I am undiagnosed, which doesn't really help, because I've received no intervention at all. I am confident that there is employment which will suit me somewhere in the scientific/technological/medical field (my interests), even if it is obscure.
Please feel free to PM me if you need to talk. Good luck! 
Diagnosed: Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 without accompanying language impairment
I find it easiest to connect with people through the medium of fandoms, and enjoy the feeling of solidarity.
Too often, people say things they don't mean, and mean things they don't say.