So for my two elective subjects I was wanting to do business and drama.
Business because I feel those are gopd life skills for the future in general and there isn't any biology classes availabe because I am just going into year 10 and so it is just combined in a basic non optional science class. I want to be a doctor so, biology.
The second elective I wanted to pick drama, because I really enjoy it. It is one of the classes that really just let me wind down and relax, and the drama teacher is really nice. And my crush is doing drama, and me and her normally talked occasionly during it. Well she did more talking. I mainly listen. I am not much of a talker. Anyway She would talk to me there. I am too shy to approach her, be it in class or out of class, so I never really got to see her much elsewhere.
Now, this year drama and business classes take place at the same time so I had to choose.
Now I had to drop drama. It was a really cathartic class for me. I loved it. One of the only sources of stress releif I have.
Now I don't know whats going to happen next year. I ended up just getting put down for recreational studies instead, and I am not sure how that is gonna go.
Any advice?
Veni, Vidi, Vici
proficere non satis est, oportet deficiant ceteri omnes