I tried it and I liked it. I don't think it did anything for my AS, but I lost weight and learned some interesting recipes. My cooking was still terrible, but at least I had an excuse while I was gluten free. It was pretty hard for my family, so we stopped. They weren't following the diet very closely, mainly just supporting my efforts. I think when I move out, I'll try it again. One problem was milk. I love to drink milk and soymilk makes me gag. Even after like four months of no real milk, I still couldn't drink it. I ate a lot of candy on that diet, hard candy is gfcf, but I eat candy anyway. I think I lost weight because I wasn't eating since the food was more expensive and I didn't want to burden my parents more than I already did. I think it is worth a try, it does help some people. You have to be on it for a while before you can expect much of a difference, though. Good luck!