It seems odd to some people but there are a lot of times that people say "mean" things to me and it doesn't touch me at all.Other people seem outraged "for me" and cant understand why it doesn't bother me.The closest reasoning I can give them is that I have no respect for the individual who insulted me and their opinion of me is irrelevant to my sense of self.I also have a back ground in psychology and intellectually realize that the person is acting out because of their own need to divert attention away from their own insecurities.(The therepists,call this "intellectualizing" and say it's a bad thing
.Then again,I dont have much respect for many of them,so....
On the other hand,when people I do like,trust,respect,say hurtful things(or more often,just ignore me), it does bother me and I tend to "ruminate",running the incident over and over in my mind.I think the same gift of focus and obsess on out interests,can turn against us when negative things happen.It does help to tell someone(as you are doing now),to get it out of your system.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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