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02 May 2008, 10:53 am

So I have horrible skin, like scars and stuff. i cover it all the time with makeup, and it's pretty much just on my forehead (also why I'm mistaken for having really good skin - the rest of my face is fine!) but for now it seems entirely out of control. The thing which sucks is that I have REALLY dry skin, and I can't handle acne at all even though I use very strong products.

How do you take care of your skin? Also, do you have any tips?


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02 May 2008, 10:57 am

Hey I am 27 and I have acne, too...or rather, I used to have it much worse before using this stuff called Acne's like ProActiv, but you can find it in a store like Target or Wal-Mart. I can show you the before and after...I swear, it works. It's really the "Step 1" that works best, you can buy it separate.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 May 2008, 10:59 am

Ugghhh, ACNE! I HATE IT! :o

Seems like its been an ongoing Issue since I was in the 7th grade..

Im 28 now, and its still annoying.

I have learned though, that drinking a lot of water during the day, helps clear up my face a bit. I keep a waterbottle on my desk at work, and sip throughout the day. Sometimes refilling twice.

I dont know about acne meds that might work. Ive noticed that the ones I use, make my face feel clean right after I use them, but as the day goes by (I have oily skin) my face feels all greasy again.. Yuck.. Hot weather makes it worse.

I guess my best tip would be Drinking plenty of water to help clean out your system.

And staying away from foods that you think help Cause the acne.

Butter, Mayo, and anything Greasy seem to set my acne off.

Hope this helps. ;)

Good Luck, and your not Alone! :D

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 May 2008, 11:00 am

Acne Free huh? Im gonna try it. :)

*adds to mental shopping list*

Thanks. :)

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02 May 2008, 11:08 am

It's dairy products for me. I can eat stupid amounts of sugary food, but have to ration myself when it comes to cheese, yoghurt and ice cream, or I start getting spots.

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02 May 2008, 3:18 pm

I get acne mostly on my face and shoulders, and it pops up sporadically in other random places. I'm too forgetful to use acne medication. I'm pretty content with just popping zits, although I know it detracts from my physical beauty.


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02 May 2008, 5:34 pm

pinkbowtiepumps wrote:
The thing which sucks is that I have REALLY dry skin, and I can't handle acne at all even though I use very strong products.
the strongest products u use, the worst is your acne...


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02 May 2008, 6:08 pm

For dry skin I'd recommend moisturizer, like cocoa butter. For acne I cleared up pretty well by drinking more water and tea(Cutting way down on coke) and not eating many deep fried greasy foods. I still get a few pimples and zits, but no where near as bad as I used to.

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02 May 2008, 8:53 pm

I'm 20 and I have terrible acne that always gets worse with my PMS. It's just so annoying!

I was hoping that staring birth-control pills would tone down the acne, but it's only made it worse! :evil:

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03 May 2008, 3:14 am

I used to have really bad acne, especially on my chin. It's not so bad anymore, although I still break out around 'that time of that month''s so gross! >_<

To help clear it up, I just wipe my face at night with Nivea facial wipes. I actually found that using some of those creams, especially the ones that are quite think like moisturiser, made my acne worse. I've stopped using them and now it's been a LOT better.

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03 May 2008, 11:00 am

Likho wrote:
pinkbowtiepumps wrote:
The thing which sucks is that I have REALLY dry skin, and I can't handle acne at all even though I use very strong products.
the strongest products u use, the worst is your acne...

This is true. I have this 10% benyzol peroxide stuff that I use on occasion. I didn't use it tonight and just left my skin alone and it's doing much better. I tend to pop a few pimples here and there (or try) so maybe that's where it all comes from. I have to stop doing that!

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06 May 2008, 7:16 am

I've not had Acne..... yet.....and I hope I never get it

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15 May 2008, 7:05 pm

I get acne on, well everything its not as annoying anymore though. I use drying cream on the zits and stuff and it goes away. Eventually.

Shhhhh, go to sleep.

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19 May 2008, 9:33 am

I take care of my skin by washing my face...................when i'm forced to.

I don't care that much about my acne except for when it actually hurts..........


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21 May 2008, 7:38 pm

proactive. my skin is great now.