Ugghhh, ACNE! I HATE IT!
Seems like its been an ongoing Issue since I was in the 7th grade..
Im 28 now, and its still annoying.
I have learned though, that drinking a lot of water during the day, helps clear up my face a bit. I keep a waterbottle on my desk at work, and sip throughout the day. Sometimes refilling twice.
I dont know about acne meds that might work. Ive noticed that the ones I use, make my face feel clean right after I use them, but as the day goes by (I have oily skin) my face feels all greasy again.. Yuck.. Hot weather makes it worse.
I guess my best tip would be Drinking plenty of water to help clean out your system.
And staying away from foods that you think help Cause the acne.
Butter, Mayo, and anything Greasy seem to set my acne off.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck, and your not Alone! 
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."
Albert Einstein
"Anyone who cond