SierraBell wrote:
But I guess because I have strong opinions about certain things, people want to test me for some odd reason.
Trust me...I know what this is like. I have strong opinions about things that my family don't agree with at all. They test me with this, they question my morals and are just down right ignorant about them.
SierraBell wrote:
I hate challenges! I wish they could just go away!

I know some of you might be thinking, but that's part of life. But imagine it every single friggin day!
I deal with this everyday...your not alone on that. Challanges are an unwanted, but a necessary part of life. People are right saying that they are a part of life, as without challenges, there would be no growth. I think, though...that excessive challenges produces excess stress, which can't be healthy.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.