matrix wrote:
Jaejoongfangirl wrote:
Natalieeeeee wrote:
Same has happened to me lately. I'm onlya sophomore and I've been pummeled with envelopes from colleges. One day I got seven of them. SEVEN!! That's insanity, especially when I'm only 16 and I already know one school that I want to go to.
I'm in your exact same situation... except I have
no idea where I want to go.
I get at least half a dozen notes a day and I don't even know which ones to keep...
Uggg... How overwhelming is that? D:
I got an application packet to an all-dudes school, but they seemed snooty and likely couldn't handle a fifth of my weirdness.
I've been getting letters from this all-girls-school and it also seems
way too pretentious to be even remotely appealing to me.
All the envelopes and paper are colored this utterly
obscene pink color that is just completely repulsive. You can just feel the estrogen radiating off the paper. And all, I repeat,
all the paper is that color. They also keep addressing me as "Miss (my name here)" and rant about how very study oriented all their students are since there are no guys on campus to distract them.

It also sounds like a creepy cult because they keep mentioning this campus wide "sisterhood". O_o
At least I know that I can cross that one off my list of possible colleges. Scary.