Dreams are fascinating. Used to keep a spiral notebook beside my bed and would sit up and write down any dream I had as soon as I opened my eyes. At first I could only recall bits and peices, but found if you make a habit of it, you'll reach a point where you can recall stories that resemble a Lord of the Rings epic, in their breadth, scope and complexity. It's like going to a cool new movie marathon everytime you go to sleep.
But wait - there's more! I also found after awhile that it's possible to experience some very interesting phenomena in the dream state that we are physically incapable of in RL. Like being in two (or more) places at the same time, interacting with two different sets of people under completely different circumstances and being able to comprehend everything that's happening in both places, including participating in two conversations in different locations simultaneously. Whew! What a concept.
I have encountered words and phrases in dreams in languages I do not know in RL, but was able to write down, sometimes in their native characters (in one case greek) on waking, then look up later.
And on several occasions there were events in dreams that did seem eerily to mirror RL things that occured later, but in my experience, nothing of any urgency, like an earthquake or the rise of Atlantis. Still, it was a cool hobby and I did it for over ten years. I highly recommend the experience.