Hypothetical, of or in the nature of a hypothesis. From the greek, "hypo," meaning, "under," and, "thesis," meaning, "position," or, "opinion." "Hypotithenai," is, therefore a portmanteu word meaning, "to put under" or, "to suppose."
By extension, therefore, a "hyperthesis," is something that sits on top of a position or an opinion. In other words, an irrational prejudice or bias. Kind of like the reaction that stereotypical, redneck hetero men have to seeing two men kissing.
I like it. This is a neologism that I will keep. Thanks tk5800!
P.S. I looked up "hyperthesis" in the OED. Unfortunately it is already defined as the transposition of one metrical foot for another (as in an iamb for a trochee or vice versa), and "hyperthetical," means, "superlative." Oh well, this just means that I have to start to campaign to get these put into general use.