Yeah, school sucks. Early hours, boring routines, no actual learning. I started giving up on it in 7th grade, where I'd skip school to stay home and read books, sleep or take a walk through the woods. Or take a walk through the woods, read a book in a good spot, then take a nap.
Even when I was in school, I'd be sleeping or reading my English book. I barely passed eighth-grade, I think the only reason I passed was's middle-school. That and I always aced any test put in front of me, despite never really being there or paying attention. Except Spanish/French, I did alright but it's a b***h to learn a language without participating.
In retrospect, I liked High-school. I was a freshman when my brother was a senior, and he's the popular type, so I made some good friends right off the bat. It made for a good start I suppose, for otherwise I'd just keep to myself and not bother anyone with anything like I always do.
But sadly, old habits die hard...and the depression that had been eating away at me for years just got worse. After sophomore year, I got kicked out(You had to keep certain grades to stay, a magnet program if that means anything.) I got transferred to a local school and just gave up altogether on it...I didn't know anyone, and so I just kept to myself.
The very day after I turned 17, I was kicked out of school altogether. Seems they couldn't wait.
But if there's one thing I've learned from it all is...I miss school. I miss being around people, even if it was just as an observer...
omgz I r banned.