The anime, for all I don't care, can be advertised for younger audiences.
(I stopped watching/careing after hearing the new character voices.)
I was unable to partake in Pokémon when it was first released, due to the whole 'Pokémon are monsters' and PokéPETA during the initial release time. Instead, I believe, around the age of 13, when I was introduced to Pokémon Gold version as my first play. At least, that is how my memory has it. Long story short, I obtained Crystal version, and since then, I have been hooked. I do wonder what parts of the storyline of Gold and Silver will be retconned in the remakes.
I have to wonder why the games are not rated for 10+, (Reminder: There is more than one video game rating system.) on the simple basic of logic by the fact that the age that a person qualifies to be an official trainer is ten. At least then, some things could be explained better, and the villains could be slightly more evil among other perks of having a higher rating, and we would actually be aiming for the right audience. I can understand anyone under the age of 10 playing the games, but I would not be so sure about them understanding the story, the strategy, (I don't mean competitive strategy, I just mean knowing your 17 types, and the basics.) and a good amount of the rest of the elements. I will admit, this would likely reduce the amount of 'Captain Obvious' tutorializing*, that has been an annoying factor in the new games. In today's age, even if you lose the manual, there is a good chance you could find one online, or better.
The beauty about Pokémon is that is in a state of being simple, and yet complex at the same time. It depends on how much knowledge and how you play.
*No, I either just coined that word, or it is not real.
Yes? What is it? Ok. Now that is good.