I guess I'm sort of in a bit of a paradoxical situation with this. I enjoy the aesthetics of clothes from places like Hot Topic. I like to be able to wear something that clearly conveys the way in which I think. In this case, the wilder side, the anti-authoritarian side (I consider myself a minarchist of some sort). But the thing is, I don't like to call attention to myself, especially in a school environment. I am, though, somewhat vindicated because I like wearing such attire in public places outside of school. I suppose I just possess a phobia of my peers.
Just yesterday I bought a shirt from Hot Topic with Jim Morrison's mug shot on it from 1967 in New Haven, CT when he was arrested on stage. I think it's a nice shirt. I do plan to wear it to school, but I don't really want people to comment on it. At most, I'd like them to just notice it.