i cry only in circumstances of absolute frustration.
i have not cried much in my life, but i have cried a few times.
i did not cry when i was a baby but i sometimes cried in rage from about 2-5 years old
i remember crying in fits of rage at things that physically hurt me when i was a child. (like getting my finger pinched in the door of a matchbox car for example).
even though i got my finger out (or extricated myself from what was hurting me) , i still felt the pain and cried in absolute frustration that i could not rid myself of the pain. i blamed my car and i wanted the world to hate it as much as i did and i screamed and bellowed at the car.
that is just a random example.
but i quickly realized by about 5 that crying does no good and changes nothing about what has happened.
i did not cry memorably again until i was 14.
then my cat called "tiger" (yes very unique name) died. he was alive all my life, and 14 years before my life as well.
in his old age, he could not meow, and he had few teeth and the little kids that my sisters had would not pet him or touch him because they thought he was ugly.
he was so beautiful to me. he appreciated that i cared so much for him, and he croaked at my bedroom door to get in at night.
i cared for his every need.
he was 28 when he died and he died not from frailty, but he got a blockage in his urethra and he could not urinate.
the vets refused to operate due to his age and we watched him die slowly.
there was a chance that the stone in his urethra would spontaneously dissolve, so i begged them not to put him to sleep (i said "please" many times on that occasion).
but it did not dissolve, and his blood became poisoned with toxins. he went into a coma, and because he was not conscious, we (mum and me) still decided to give him a chance for the blockage to dissolve (not have him put down).
i dripped water in the side of his mouth for 4 days and his tongue licked it but his eyes did not respond.
then when my mother and me where in the laundry where he was laying on the 5th day he suddenly started to stir. he made some attempted croaky meowing sounds and he opened his eyes and stretched his 4 legs ansd shivered and i started to pound myself in the head as i knew he was going to die right then and i touched his face and he then died.
i ran off into bushland and found a place where i could dump my broken heart without attracting attention from people.
i could not believe that it had just happened, and since then i never really loved as deeply again because i realized the temporariness of it all and my crying was in rage against absolute frustration that i have no power at all to bring him back to life.