I can only echo what others said. Start cooking, cleaning and doing laundry either for yourself or as part of the household. Maybe get a small laundry basket in your room and wash your own clothes, but pitch in with the general chores, and ask to be shown how to do the "difficult" things.
You might also want to go to the store with your folks on a weekend and learn things like how much food you need in a week, what else to buy, and how to budget - and also how to pick out, say, a good cut of meat. From there you can ask to be given a budget and practice buying your own food (first with your folks along, then alone but meeting them at the checkout, then totally alone).
You might also want to sit down with your folks at the end of the month and look at how they do their finances. Mortgage/rent, utilities, phone/internet/premium TV, and other expenses - and how they work out what they get paid, what their expenses are, and then what money they have left over.
It worked for me
"Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, in the machinery of this world." - Günter Eich (1907-1972)