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28 Apr 2009, 8:09 pm

Okay. I understand that meltdown is probably the best term for what I want to talk about, because a very common form of a meltdown is "shutting down". What I'm talking about in this thread is, meltdowns of an "explosive" nature. Now, my question is, are there any teens other than me on this forum who still have "explosive" meltdowns? I would like to see if there is anyone who I can relate to. Note: I do not want this thread to get out of hand to the point of bragging or anything. My thing is, I'm still getting them, but I really am trying to stop the "explosions". But they keep happening at school and people are really frustrated with me. In my case, the "explosions" involve pounding and yelling. While I'm at this, I must mention, I'm in an alternative school already, because I probably would be in a lot of trouble if I did this in a regular school. Anyways, I just want to know if anyone else here has this issue.

Snowy Owl
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28 Apr 2009, 9:13 pm

My son ( almost 14) wants to add something:

I have meltdowns but they only happen at home. I can hold it well at school. I often get angry when family members talk to me after school or call me for meals and I am busy. I also yell, throw things and hit. I haven't done the hitting part anymore because I don't want to get in trouble.


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28 Apr 2009, 11:15 pm

I can have ferocious meltdowns. I'm a quite/shy Aspie/HFA...but I've had serious meltdowns where I've been hospitalized. Within the past less than 2 years I've had 2 meltdowns that nearly ended my life. Once I become lost/disoriented, geographically, in an unknown stretch of the highway N of my home (only ~ 20 miles). I may have had a seizure (unknown) but just say white (the snow) and could not stop screaming, screaming, screaming - hysteria. About 4 hours later another driver found me and I was still inside my car, but ready to walk. The temp outside was - 50 below (I live in Interior AK) and if my car had run out of fuel I would be frozen to death quickly. The police were very, very nice! I had a medic alert and was ok. I've been restrained, injected with Ativan. And I cannot speak during meltdown. Medic alert bracelts are a must, along with an instruction card.

I've had meltdowns were I scream (continuously) until I'm swallowing blood - literally. Usually I collapse from sheer physical exhaution and I can cry, hard, for hour upon hour.

But I don't become violent, as in harming something or someone - except maybe myself. Just meltdowns from Hades.....this means screaming (and I can SCREAM LOUD)! Violent crying - repeat cycle. I do have medicaiton for this which also has mild anti-seizure properties - a necessity.

Biene - I'm sorry for you son, but he seems as if he can contain his meltdowns for a time - I can as well, sort-of. If I'm feeling 'melty' I remove myself from the situation asap. But just in case, does he have a medic alert? This has literally saved my life since otherwise any given medical responder cannot know what is wrong.

I'm sorry, UberElvis. I do function well but meltdowns, like a seizure, are outside of my control - although I've never harmed (except myself). Meltdowns are horrendous. Might you ask about medication, since you have indicated you're highly meltdown prone? I wouldn't want you get hurt due to a meltdown. Plus meltdowns, as I'm sure you know, are not something one ought to be experiencing. You may be experiencing a type of petit mal seizure - unknown. Can you ask your doctor (or parent)?

I'm doing better now, somewhat! And I try very hard. I'm mild-mannered, not an emotional being, but meltdowns are outside of this and often sensory. Stress is a factor too though. For those who are meltdown prone (like UberElvis describes) - low sensory environment can offset potential meltdowns and are an appropriate accommodation. I'm sorry others are frustrated with your meltdowns. Maybe instead they need to view this in terms of like an autistic seizure. Then they may be able to calm you better - to punish is to no avail.

My weighted blanket is immensely helpful.

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29 Apr 2009, 3:40 am

I have meltdowns in the past where I destroyed class rooms and caused my section of the school to be cleared... as a result I was regarded to be a hero...

now my meltdowns are less frequent and more structured but still ferocious and people who have witnessed them, claim that peple with a temper such as mine should be in a mentel home <_<.

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29 Apr 2009, 10:22 am

Wow, I can really feel for you guys! I think that 'medical alert' thing is great, especially when you are an older teen or adult.
Did you guys hear about the story with that polish immigrant at the Vancouver air Port , who was taserd by police and died? He had some form of a melt down too. Very Sad story.
I so hope this never happens to my son.
He only got the diagnosis of OCD, query Tourettes...(whatever 'query' means) .
He wrote the thread above. he tried to get his own "avatar" but it would not let him do it with the same e-mail address, so he posted under my avatar.
The mediator told him if he would throw things again or hit etc. he would have to call the cops. This really worked so far, he wants to be good and not get into trouble with the law. He took the conversation with the mediator very seriously.

Labpet my son is extremely shy must be really frustrating when one can not express the feelings at the moment and nobody gets it, hah?!
I wish you all good luck!


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29 Apr 2009, 11:55 am

For me I don't know what I get, I don't know if they're "meltdowns" or I'm just bad tempered/over emotional.
These things only happen at home, I'm not easily stressed anywhere else. Sometimes if something really gets me angry at home I start crying and yelling and being defiant and I'll go into my room and hit my head loads then just sit/lie there crying and stuff. But it doesn't happen as much now, when it does though it's usually caused by my mum, like when she uses my laptop I find my anger levels rise and I go ballistic.

I haven't had explooosive meltdowns since I was alot younger, they'd be caused by bumps in my socks or when I went out and things weren't going how I wanted and I got reeaaally frustrated about something. The last major public one was when I was 12, and I wasn't alowed on some bouncy castle at this place and I SCREAMED the place down.

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29 Apr 2009, 6:27 pm

I haven't had a true "explosive meltdown" in a year or so, but I have had a couple little ones. For some reason they usually happen when I'm playing video games with someone and they beat me because of a stupid mistake I made, I'll yell some choice words and throw the controller, but then I'll be alright. If you can count that as a meltdown then I do still get them sometimes. I used to be out of hand at time with them though, and even went so far as to punch my father in his face(breaking his nose), something I still deeply regret. I have gotten better though. It just takes time and practice. Try teaching yourself self-control. Like tactics to use when you feel you're about to blow, just take a deep breath and try switching your mind on to a different channel, if you know what I mean.

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29 Apr 2009, 8:19 pm

Depending on the situation, I do sometimes have explosive meltdowns.

I usually have Shutdown type meltdowns when it is triggered by either too many thoughts and/or worries running through my head or by being overwelmed by loud busy social settings (aka too much stimulus). I curl up into a ball or start pacing. While I'm doing one or the other I start sobbing quietly and shake like a leaf until I fall sleep because it becomes too much for my mind to deal with. When I wake up I'm just fine, like nothing happened.

I usually have Explosion type meltdowns when it is triggered by someone getting me really angry or when I feel like I've been wronged or if a situation is unfair. I scream, yell, cry, stomp my feet, sometimes throw things, and sometimes run away when I have these. When I have these it's best to just leave me alone. After a while I calm down and am the same as before the meltdown, like nothing happened.

Both of these can start at the drop of a hat, I might not even notice that I had a meltdown until after the fact.

When I was younger I would have the Explosion type more often, nowdays I have the Shutdown type more often.

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29 Apr 2009, 8:42 pm

Same here. I don't usually get an explosive meltdowns, unless I didn't get enough sleep and I have a lot of homework to do in short time.
I'll more likely have a shut-down meltdown. And cry. Unless whatever happened was way to much to handle, then I'll throw things.
Had a non-explosive meltdown today. Not proud of it. :oops:

I'm not crazy, err, not yet. I'm just on the wrong planet!

My cat is the only one lately to try and distract me from this world.


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30 Apr 2009, 4:55 pm

I have meltdowns but they only happen at home. I can hold it well at school. I often get angry when family members talk to me after school or call me for meals and I am busy. I also yell, throw things and hit. I haven't done the hitting part anymore because I don't want to get in trouble.

That's me in a nutshell. My home meltdowns (when my dad's not around) are usually pretty explosive - yelling, crying, hand flapping, hitting walls/bannisters/table, anything that won't break cos I don't wanna get into trouble.

Sometimes I have small ones, I have had quite serious ones at school, but I don't shout cos I don't like bringing attention to myself. I usully retreat into a corner and breathe heavily, hold my special video close and/or rest my head on my knees.
In public places I tend to breathe heavily and panic, almost cry but don't want people watching.
I had a small one in clothes shop Next recently and had to go and sit down and hang my head and breathe heavily for a bit before I could face going elsewhere.
I also had a small one at Guides where I didn't understand how to make what we were making and I got cross and threw my work on the floor and put my head in my hands.
I also experienced overwhelm at a theme park recently, though possibly triggered by some strobes on a ride.
One time I was standing next to my sister's bedroom door and suddenly bent over and panicked, for no apparent reason.

I actually do have quite good self control apparently, except when I'm at home and my dad's not there when I completely lose it.

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01 May 2009, 11:13 pm

I just recently had a meltdown, i was so upset and only have them when I'm at home. I'm surprised my mum and dad haven't kicked me out for being in such a bitchy mood a couple days before it happens. Its usually because I'm having problems at school with friends or stressing out because of all the assignments i have do. My dad probably the biggest victim with me being in my bitchy mood, I said some pretty horrible things to him.