I think/worry about the future and while I plan as far as time is concerned their are some things beyond my control and I have yet to accept that life may very well not turn out the way I want it to have been in the end.
I worry that while I may have a decent job and do well, perhapse earn the American dream, nice proporty, decent house, nice things, financial stability I want my life to have meaning, I want children and a family and I want to be happy throught my life. I worry I will never meet the girl I am suppose to shair my life with, I worry I will have no children and fear the day it becomes to late. I worry as I get older rather then life getting better it will get worse, I will see everyone I know and love move away, have familes and better lives, or die and in the end I will die old, desperate, alone and truly fear within me that as I look back on life, my one true shot on Earth, that I ruined it, never to get another shot, and that my life in the end had no meaning.
This is what I think about, alot.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.