What triggers trauma for you?
Waiting room
Group project
No Frills
Job interview
"how are you feeling?"
Line up
Social gathering
I wouldnt call it trauma, but I definatly dont like to hear these words.
Between sunset and certified darkness
My artistic side: aleigirl.deviantart.com
My ramblings and insights on being an adult with Asperger's: http://alei-cat.blogspot.com/
Anything with a school setting. I can be at the grocery store and see someone with a T-shirt that has the name of my old school on it or just the colors brown and putrid mustard yellow (they said it was gold) and go into a panick attack. I can't watch TV shows about school settings where the school teachers act like dictators.
The phrase "you think you're so smart".
Being in the same room with 2 or more teenage girls.
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I
Getting interrupted in conversations. This means other people talking over me or somebody ringing the other person on their mobile phone. Both are very rude things. I think if you come over to visit a friend it's only polite to turn off the mobile phone. Otherwise, it gives the message that the friend you went to visit isn't as important as the ones who ring on the mobile phone.
I truly feel like popping people who interrupt while I'm talking.
Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon
Being touched on the back of my neck.
Being surrounded by people in my age group.
People laughing and sneering (especially if the look at me while doing so).
Tight, overcrouded spaces.
"HIIIIIIII!! ! HOW ARE YOU???! !!" (nuff said)
Autism Speaks: We can haz ur moneyz, Y/Y?
The only words I can think of at the moment are Summer, crazy and fa***t. I have plenty of sentences:
"How are you?"
"That's so funny."
"What's your problem?"
"Let's ask him." Also, "What about him?"
"What are you doing?" Also, "What did you do (this weekend or while one vacation)."
"When's your birthday?"
"Would you like to go?" added trauma with "____ will be there."
"I need you to do something for me..."
"What happened?"
"Could you lend me..."
"I heard he's..."
Some noises:
Hearing laughter in another room (still the most traumatic thing of all without a doubt)
Tires screeching
Motorcycles reving
Children crying
Someone whispering

Joined: 6 Sep 2006
Age: 136
Gender: Male
Posts: 11,911
Location: Mount Herculaneum/England
I don't know that there are any words that invoke trauma... probably "pair off into partners" or "group activity" or "We're going to go around the room and introduce ourselves".... oh, and "Can I talk to you for a minute?" & "Can I ask you a favor?" are at the top, too.
I detest "How are you?" Really, what do you care? or "What are your plans this weekend/What did you do last weekend?" I don't know. I don't care.
Definitely situations... The biggest one for me now is logging into my online banking account. Just logging in. That'll do it. Spent a few years in a major struggle to make ends meet - even though my finances are in better order than ever, I still panic at what I might find.
Here are some others:
Being in a room with a group of people my own age or younger (elementary kids don't bother me - I wasn't harassed until Jr. High) I have no problem being around people who are (at least 10 years) older than me.
Walking by a group of men who all stop talking as I pass and watch me
Being watched by the mexican gardeners (sorry, not racist, it's just a fact - they stare in an obvious way)
Social/Festive occasions (parties, etc where I'll be meeting new people and there is pressure to make a good impression)
Thinking I've done something wrong (also not noticing until someone else points it out)
Not being prepared for my day before I get to work/forgetting things at home
Being late/out of routine
Having to go to 3 or more stores when running errands
Small talk
One-on-one conversations with attractive male coworkers that I've made "love interests" in my books (they always say write what you know - virtually all my characters are people I know/have known as I have difficulty envisioning, uhm, intangible people)
Enclosed group settings where everyone is silently reading/working quietly - inevitably, my throat will close up or develop one of those teary-eyed coughs that you can't get rid of without making lots of noise and gulping water..... or my stomach will rumble continually, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Extreme Heights/Depths (Grand Canyon was not especially fun for me, and being on the open sea is torture)
Let's see, what else? I'm a cosmic enclave of issues.
You'd think that'd be enough, but I'm sure there are more.
Edited to add: Hugging, definitely hugging. It's like a NT puppetry act that I'm forced to participate in at the end of every torturous get together. A lot of times I'll abstain or refuse to hug anyone other than older female relatives (grandmothers, great aunts, etc). Hugging is torture.
When cops killed a baby a man with a gun was using as a human shield, so that they could protect themselves from being shot. I always felt like cops are not supposed to protect themselves before the people they are there to protect. I don't know what it's like to have to take bullets for others, but I still resent the cops for putting their own safety before that of the innocent child. Why did they become cops if they didn't think about that first?
Christina Marie Riggs and what she did to her children, and her reasons for doing it. I don't feel traumatized by that any more actually, now that I understand social anxiety and depression a lot more.
The thoughts of stuff that hasn't even happened yet. Sometimes I start imagining my eyes getting poked out, or going blind, or I think about how no matter what I do in my life and how much fun I have and how much quality time I spend with my loved ones, we will each eventually die one by one and we will all end up dead in the end.
When I saw dead animals in the trash, even chicken bones.
What Andrea Yates did to her kids. I was horrified before at those people who were defending her saying she wanted what was best for her kids. How could she think dying was what was best for them? And how could she think DROWNING them was the best way to kill them? But that was before I understood mental illness and defect, and now it doesn't traumatize me anymore.
In a nurse's memoirs that I read, parents of two kids, a 4-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl, shoved them in an oven and tried to make it look like a Christmas tree fire. The boy died on arrival at the hospital, the girl died after, before she could be questioned about it, and due to the nature of the burns she couldn't communicate, all she could do was nod or shake her head or wiggle her toes for pain meds, so she died with all that trauma inside her. She was blind besides. Now that I understand the mental illness and that I don't get traumatized thinking about the parents, just about the kids and what they suffered.
A dead cat was found in the microwave in Edmonton, alberta, by its owners. Four teenagers broke into the house and microwaved it to death. I don't get traumatized thinking of the teenagers' intentions, just that they were ignorant of the cat's feelings or so depressed they didn't care and that was all they could do to get stimulation, and not the owners because they had to leave their cat alone at some point, the cdat probably liked some time alone, but the ppoor cat!
When I was a kid I was a bit traumatized by the thought that people actually cremated dead bodies. Burial I wasn't traumatized by, just cremation. (Now I prefer it to burial, which is sort of gross.)
We watched a movie in English class once in grade 10 where Indians kidnapped a white guy and tied him with his arms to a horizontal stake with his legs in the fire, and he was making horrible ugly yells, why didn't he just laugh or something? He looked like a real idiot, even though yeah, he was burning. Finally his side of the war, who were crouching in the bushes stalking the Indian enemies, shot him before they sho the enemies, hjopefully to shut him up because he just sounded so ugly, or to cheerfully punish him for not lightening up at this thing that was too goofy and outlandish to cry about but too real to laugh about. People who CRY over goofy and outlandish things traumatize me for some reason.
As a kid I went thru a phase where I was traumatized seeing recyclables in the regular trash. (Now I understand people not caring, as opposed to being depressed about the environment but not doing a thing about it, so I don't get traumatized by this anymore.)
When I saw Star War Episode 1 when I was 11 I was traumatixed after the jedi died to see him lying dead on a thing shaped like a human silhouette but with a grill likea barbecue, and he was on fire. UGLY! Goofy, outlandish, not material to cry about, but too real to laugh about too. I consoled myself by telling myself that that's what he told them to do to him when he was dead; maybe he was really adamant about having taht kind fo a funeral!
When my mother whined about "having to" throw things away but still did. How she whined about how she was too lazy to washall these bags and bags fo clothes, many worn only once by her, so she went on about what a shame it was to "have to" throw them out because she was too lazy to even give them to the Salvation Army, and my father argued with her but she didn't want him to put them in the SA box for some reason and she then had the nerve to ask him to help her by putting them outside by the dumpster,which he DID.
And many more.
Sad and/or crying children. Even though it certainly is something that one should found traumatic I just fall apart when i encounter it. I just lose all functions. I wonder if there's some kind of repressed memory that is triggered in those situations?
Legalized Insanity.
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