aylissa wrote:
I was so stoned I was able to chug it down really quickly. Being an ex-ER nurse must have helped me know to do that despite being high as a kite.
The stuff also has an ingredient in it to get the pills out of your system as quickly as possible, which means diarrhea. Yuck is right.
I'm trying to develop an attitude of indifference towards the future, as much of my depression and anxiety are related to constant worrying about the future. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't know if I'll get hit by a bus today so I may as well *relax* and live in the moment. Hard to do after all these years of constant brain-swirling negative thoughts.
I have conspiation (I've always had it, I don't know why), and it was killer a week after that I took that cursed charcoal, and it hurt sooooooooooooooo badly!
I never got high from my pills though. I took Paxil, Baby Asprin, and Melatonin...is there a reason why I didn't feel anything? I took over 100 in total