Gosh, I have days like this myself. I often wonder when I will be happy or when my life will get better or if it ever will.
I'm not just saying this to make you feel better, but over time, things will get better. I'm finding out that God will only do so much for us, all the rest we have to do ourselves. But I know that isn't always easy either.
In my case, I really can't work either because of my social skills. But I'm going to take a social skills class to work on them. Maybe there is one where you live. Then you can get a job and move out eventually. But if not, is there anyone else you can stay with?
I hope that helps at least a little. You're still so young, a lot of good things can still happen. Maybe some day you'll see your boyfriend again and you'll get to stay with him.
So simple, it's complicated