Bassman wrote:
Im stuck in a deadend job, with f**** freinds and really nothing to look forward to. Ive got a good mate who I jam with every friday at his house which is really only the highlight of my weeks. Ive never had a girlfriend, I smoke too much and Im pretty much operating at 15% everyday. But yet, I still dont feel the need to get out of this "shell". I just sort of trudge on by and dream that maybe oneday things will get better.
Anyone else lack motivation?
i like my career, but besides that i, too, never had a girlfriend and not even a good friend around like you do. and 'yet, I still dont feel the need to get out of the "shell"'. but somehow i know it will be better in future.
Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.