dont wanna have AS any more

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Mar 2006, 7:03 pm

Its wrecking my life :( fairly recently diagnosed and just cant get used to it i thought stuff was gonna get better when i got older! now i know it never will.

Unlike many ppl I really need to have friends they're the most important thing in my life, but i have so much trouble making and keeping them

I had to leave my course cos cant do the job at the end of it due to AS, now stuck in crappy dead end job i hate, and to progress any further at my work u need to be able to talk to ppl there,

sick of ppl expecting just cos I'm female i'll be good at emotional stuff / people stuff. its pissing me off so much,
i dont fit in and never will do

and with friends i do have I'm having problems with the noise of their music (boyfriend is in a band and music is their thing)
so i cant hang out with them any more :(

so miserable cant see the point in bothering anymore :(


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19 Mar 2006, 9:04 pm

How old are you and where are you from? You have friends here, maybe some live in your area. Is there AS support groups where you are from?


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19 Mar 2006, 9:09 pm

I feel like that, sometimes.


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25 Mar 2006, 10:59 am

This were i do my best. You people don't have to deal with these things. That sound thing is related to serotonin. I have found when I am calm music is wouderful. I have to be in the mood to enjoy then I can use the music to elevate me higher. If you people would regualary pratice meditation in some form of another you will find a alot less disabling. Guys pretent your imaginery girlfriend is tickling your back with a feather. If you focus hard you have less as in your life. I find socializing easier when I am calm. I am loosing my mood from the herbal detoxifiers. Its kind of frusturating cause I am used to eating garabage for these things. They don't seem that intresting. I probably need to relax then I can truly be f***** up . Yeah I muted because I know the moderators are going to. The f word comes from the german word to strike flicken. fa***t is a cigarrete so really those word are not swears unless they are use inappropiately. Seem like endorphin metabolism problems and such things. Intestinal problems leaky gut and what the hell It seem curable for the most part.


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26 Mar 2006, 5:42 pm

Smiley wrote:

Unlike many ppl I really need to have friends they're the most important thing in my life, but i have so much trouble making and keeping them

I know exactly what you are saying. I am the same way.


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26 Mar 2006, 7:08 pm

If its that horrible acetyl-l-carnitine might be able to help its and important neurotransmitter that is used to treat those with alzhiemers, briain damage and learning disorders. a couple doses will turn on all your brain including the parts you never used before. FIsh oil(dha,epa) and lecithin(acetyl-choline) are also important transmitters wich can even you out (worked for me). AS/AU may have an exit; If thats what you want: talk with your doctor first. Also i heard somewhere that those on the spectrum are deficient in vitamins and minerals, feel free to check up on it.


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28 Mar 2006, 4:37 pm

Yeah check it out with doctor WATSON thats me. I am so damn smart. My therapist said I was an expert on autism because it was about me. I also an expert at bipolar because the life ruiner my mom has it too so does my sister. I am a damn fuckn expert on medical stuff for autism. I had 2300 email from a support group of parents who were treating autism with that kind of stuff. Watch out they said I was too techinal.

Blue Jay
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08 Apr 2006, 8:01 am

I feel exactly the same way
Especially with the pressure to be empathic and stuff just cos i'm a girl.

All you can do is hold on. You're not alone.
I wish I could just not have AS too.
I get quite down about it sometimes.

finding something to take comfort in can give a bit of peace sometimes.
That's what kept me going. At one stage it was writing music, then it was computer stuff, and now it's mathematics.


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08 Apr 2006, 8:42 am

Aww Smiley :cry: I hear you exactly

Sometimes (alot lately) I say to myself ' hate my Aspergers', but then I think, where do I end and the Aspergers start? The answer is nowhere, we ARE Aspergers. Just remember that there are so many out there like you, some better, alot worse, and were all looking for a way to live in this world with rules we find so hard.

Im doing Uni right now, studying to be a teacher, but Im truly scared about having to find and hold a job at the end of my course - I dont think I can. But I dont think about that, because it just hampers my efforts in the present. Just try to focus on the elements on your life that are going well, and draw strength from them to better the others. Dont think of all the bad stuff in a clump, but individual parts that have to be treated as such. Write a list if it helps.

Haha crap, Ive rambled again. I do hope that what Ive said makes SOME sense to SOMEONE. I do try :oops:


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08 Apr 2006, 10:21 am

Smiley wrote: sick of ppl expecting just cos I'm female i'll be good at emotional stuff / people stuff. its pissing me off so much,
i dont fit in and never will do

and with friends i do have I'm having problems with the noise of their music (boyfriend is in a band and music is their thing)
so i cant hang out with them any more

so miserable cant see the point in bothering anymore

I can so relate to everything you've said! When I was young I had no friends. Later, when I tried to make friends I just ended up feeling stupid and getting weird looks so I gave up trying. Luckily, in Middle School a couple of really nice girls made me their project and we were all best friends until I moved to another state. Then I found that I got along so much better with guys (less emotional dynamics) but they didn't stick with me when I needed them (guys hang together) and it earned me a bad reputation.
I am much better now as an adult. But I'm still not very well accepted in female circles. I have found a couple of nutty friends that I love but this has taken a long, long, time. Also, if they would not have pursued me, we would not be friends today. (I was too dense to realize that they even wanted to be my friend!)
I understand about the music. I love hard rock but I can't stand to listen to it very loud, nor for very long! This is why I couldn't go to parties and concerts. (Which I feel I am probably better off anyway!)
Don't give up. Good things will come your way. Be patient and keep trying. Remember, we fail more than we succeed but we learn from our failures and this is what causes us to succeed.
Someone will come your way and things will "click". I, personally have found that it's better to have one or two good friends than alot of acquaintainces.

"Honey, would you buy me some boobles for my 40th b-day?" "No way, they're too expensive. Your own baubles will have to do."