My life has been destroyed..

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22 Mar 2006, 6:57 pm

I was diagnosed back in November by someone with the syndrome, no doctor, no "official" no accepted diagnosis however I recognized the truth of it the moment I sought the definition in as a descrimination and was unwilling to accept the label since to me it merely means I have an odd sort of above average intelligence and the majority of society does not like me because of it. I communicate differently, I talk fast, I do not need to stop to think, I know what I know and argueing with me is often folly as the facts exist and I can always back myself up with them.

So, beginning on New Years Eve this year I befell a series of unfortunate events as i began to become what is generally accepted and known as "enlightened" or "awakened". The information I have absorbed over the course of my 31 years had finally added up and after seeing the films "What The Bleep Do We Know Anyway", "Waking Life" and listening to the Audio book "The Power Of Now" I began to dissasociate from societal programming and truly feel free. I began finally to understand religions and accept that "God" and the cumulative collection of cosmic Atoms were one and the same thing, a simple equation, everything= everything, all of all =1. God is literally the collective communication between the entire collective of all atoms in the cosmos.

This is a small piece of what I have learned, I know now how to read the directives in symbology, in nature, in "sacred geometry" in music and dance and art and more, I was enlightening at a rate more rapid than anyone had ever been before me to the best of the knowledge I have absorbed or been presented with, I felt the best I have felt in my entire life and nothing could bring me down, heck even now, after all the things that have happened in terms of descrimination, libel, slander, hate and more, I find it very difficult to go into the negative spectrum of emotive mindstates without doing it on the behalf of someone other than myself, since as the religions put it, selflessness is everything.

I have so much to teach, so much to learn so many directions to go in now but at this point in time everything in terms of the societal system surrounding me has turned my life into dirt. I have lost everything but my life and a few articles of clothing. It all began on New Years..

The reason I came to this site today is to find help, to hopefully locate an advocate who is willing to represent me, to find a direction to someone who understands and empathizes with my situation and would be willing to take on my case since to all intents and purposes, every single action against me has been unlawful, unjust and unfair. The paper trail, the digital trail and the facts all exist along with witnisses to back me up and every aspect of every direction legally is a sure win. I ought to be compensated for what has been done to me, I ought to be offerred a new life and for free. I want nothing more than to take the compensation however and offer it in the service of those less fortunate than me, those uneducated in thet hnigs I have learned, and the entire world, because for a greater purpose my life has been given to me in all its experience and cumulative learning to take on this task of saving not just the people of this planet from the fallicies of the human races actinos in the past, present and future, but also to the other species, teh planet itself which is imminently on the brink of complete environmental disaster.. I must help this world, it is dieing and I know how to save it.. but from my current position I am incapable of doing so..

So.. where to start.. there is so much.. past experience, skills, trials and tribulations, successes, failures and more.. and at this time the only direction I have left is this one so I hope someone who reads this words is in a position to help. Please I pray that someone is.

A wonderful woman entered my life, Anne Marie Viau from Montreal. I had been slaving away at computers for years, dieing inside, sad and depressed and not knowing my purpose in this life, never going anywhere but sideways and then she appeared and instantly I recognized her as my soul mate, my twin flame, my other half, a complete opposite to me in every sense save the determination to do good things for everyone and everything selflessly. She is my polar opposite, some sort of invisible connection brought us and keeps us togetehr no matter how far apart we are, but thats is another topic.

So here is the series of unfortunate events...

1. Anne and I hitchiked to Quebec City from Montreal to attend Intense 2006. See here for the sotry of what befell me at that event.. ... iew&skip=1

2. The roomate I lived with who also has aspergers syndrome assaulted me and I was kicked out into the strets by the police because his name was on the lease and now he owns all my possessions including my cat since I have been homless since January. For photos of the room I lived in and the cat and more see my deviant art.

3. I stayed homless in montreal and was harassed by police, security and libelled by the people who knew me all over the forums, destroying my credibility and reputation. The homeless system in Montreal is a farce, I could not even get a shower and the Mission Brewery shelter is the most disgusting place I have ever seen I found a squat in a basement of an apartment building while there as my intention was to place a webcam on my head and show teh entire world the difficulties and discrimination I was faced with.. to no avail, noone was willing to help me.. and I had no glasses even.. it was not easy for me, I determined that returnig to the province of my birth would be best since i had no I.D. or money or address and all of my firends were turning on me telling me it was all my fault due to my communication techniques that everyone was justified in treating me so unfairly and disregarding my human rights..

4. I hitchiked to Halifax, was denies a couch at my relatives homes and thought that since I understood "God" now and was capable of helping so many people I would place myself at the bottom of the system on purpose and begin to evaluate the entire system from teh bottom up, it's one of my skills, I know waste, I know disfuntion, I know disorganization and dissarray and I know how to fix things easily.. I'm an organizer, a sorter, a grouper, of information, objects and more.. so I stayed at the homless shelters in order to evaluate them.. I visited the community services, the hospitals, the libraries and even appointed myself "Town Crier" so I could walk and talk to the entire city and have my goals known by many. Many loved me, I figure I gathered in a few weeks almost 8000 people who would vote for me if I ran for Mayor, Leader of the Green Party and Prime Minister at the same time. So I stated I would on my blog. I informed the entire Green Party of my intentions. However, everywhere I went in the system, the government facilities I was descriminated against, misinterpreted and denied services and barred from the premises for standing up for my human rights which I studied intently at the public libraries.

5. Drug users at the shelters threatened my life and the shelters are falling apart, the staff is uncaring and the air is unclean, I was getting sick at the Turning Point and the people there were threatening me so the staff called the police on me and I was thrown in jail with no warrent or probable cause, no charge laid, no fingerprints and more. Thats called Tort or Habeas Corpus. I was handled VERY roughly and handcuffed so tightly that even now two months later the nerve in my right wrist is not functioning properly and my thumb feels half dead. A bag of books I had with me at the time dissapeared, neither the police who took me or the staff of the shelter admit to taking it but it was on the duffel bag at the time of the "non-arrest" and now it is gone.. Mayan history, survival in the wild and more.. such a loss.. Completely illegal. Both the incarceration and the theft of my possessions.

6. I was punched in the face at the breakfast soup kitchen next to the shelter some days later by a crack head and at the same moment another man took my teddy bear, an 18 year old gift from one of my very first girlfriends. the staff of the kitchen called the police on me and I was escorted out and barred from the place, no charges were laid against anyone and the police would do nothing on my behalf. Later that day I was assaulted at the HCAP by another man and once again no charges were laid, my desire to press charges was completely ignored, it was consistently stated that I brought these things upon myself and it was my fault, as it has been stated since the beginning...

There are so many things tot ype.. so many descriminations.. so much libel and slander so many false accusations and denails of service that it would take me ten pages to write it all, and the paper trail exists to back everything up throoughout the entire process.. Facts, facts!! Witnisses and everything.. so I follow direction and do as teh system directs me based on the criminal code, the law of human rights and the advice of everyone I talk to.. I approach the legal aid, the ombudsman, the human rights commission and the police, I get cold shouldered by all of them!!

It's been three months, I have been barred from every hospital in the province, all libraries in the province, half the malls in town, the ombudsmans office, the hu7man rights commission, layers I approached including a Mr. joel Pink called the police on me calling me crasy, legal aid says that unless I am being charged with something they cannot help me, law firms want money up front even though the cases are all SURE WINS!! Everywhere I turn I am getting nowhere but further into the gutter and i havent told you 30% of the whole of the events!

You wana know who I am.. here are a few of my sites:

Sites I've constructed:

I have created maps for Quake III under the nick "skinNCNmaster" I've done deco for raves in Montreal, I was published in the newspaper as a "golden Boy" out of high school and have been all over the country and worked for many companies of which I learned everything about them and could have helped them to become immensely successful had they been willing to look past my undiagnosed communication disorder. I am a good hearted person, i have always turned the other cheek to the hate directed towards me, preferring to hug my enemies than to fight them.. but now my life is in ruins..

I have been homeless since January and even now at the residence of my mother, she is throwing me out as soon as welfare is willing to give me a few dollars. I have nowhere left to turn, noone seems able to help me, theya ll say I must help myself, but I have been donig the best I can to rectify this situation and all teh while i have been being directed by "God" to people who can use my help and have helped them selflessly.. I can always survive but I am at the point now where I am beginning to think that becoming a violent or "crasy" person would make life easier since doing the right things, standing up for my human rights and trying to fight the system all alone for what it has done to me has led me nowhere but deeper and deeper into the gutter...

There is so much more to tell.. I need someone to help me.. not just advice, I need a lawyer who is willing to take on my cases, I have over 30 human rights cases, a dozen or so criminal cases both freedom of religion and conscience and disability that I KNOW are sure winds and if someone with a heart and a willingness to take a percentage of the winnings would just hear me out.. I know I can help so many people!

I ought to be depressed and such but I am not, I know all of this has been dealt to me on purpose, I know why "God" is doing this to me.. I know that this chess game is a checkmate.. I just need some power pieces to join me on the board!

Thanks for reading this giant post!

Aspergers is a way for ignorance to name intelligence ingnorance.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Mar 2006, 8:06 pm

I'm not a lawyer, and I won't offer advice. I just wanted to let you know that I read your post and that someone out here is responding. My situation is similar to yours, although not perhaps as dire. It does seem to me that God tests all those it finds worthy. I will pray for your success, if you wish it.


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22 Mar 2006, 8:31 pm

Yeah, I'd like to be compensated for all I've had to put up with, but life's not like that.

You sound like a real pariah in your community. I think you have to consider your own part in that exclusion. I mean if that many places have barred you, they're saying you need to change your behaviour. Otherwise, you may as well live in a cave and eat insects.

I think that god does make some of us suffer enormously, and that's a process of spiritual refinement which removes us from the world of the 'normal' and the wants of normal people. It might get you some spiritual merit, but you seem to want worldly merit too. It doesn't work like that.

Anyway, welcome to the site, hope things improve for you.


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22 Mar 2006, 8:39 pm

I feel grateful you will pray for me. I do not do any of this for me, I know that God wants me to win in all of this so that when I do win I can help everyone on this planet. I do not want followers, I do not want fame, I do not want anything except freedom and liberty and love. The only way to achieve global harmony now is to opensource the entire world and begin with a new sort of government by/for the people and I was gifted with the knowledge of how to achieve this and thus the entire series of events leading here has been exciting to me, I know I will be gifted with a win in all of these things someday soon, there is no way the system can continue to do this to me indefinately but God stated in the bible that this would occur and I accept it.

The Alpha and the Omega. God knows that revelations is occurring now, most of the world does but since God stated he would make the people ignore the truth and allow this entire thing to occur until the time is right, I know and trust that soon the time will arrive and a new beginning will occur.

The Mayans knew thats Immanuels birthday coincided with the solar orbit and the polaric inversion of the suns magnetics, as well as the polar shift of this planet long before us without the aid of computers.. There is so much more going on now than anyone is willing to look at but people like us.. I have dissasociated and society cannot handle it, but then society cannot handle the crisis of the environmental catastrophe that is going to occur very soon, they are ignoring it as a whole, intent on money for money, profit over morals, the entire human species is destroying this world like a virus, just as Smith stated in the Matrix movie.. This world is crying in pain at the state of it's health and humanity isnt even listening, they're too absorbed in themselves adn their fleshly pleasures to care.

You wouldnt believe how many people have said "oh well" when presented with the facts... its horrifying! We CAN fix this world, we MUST! It's noone responsibility but ours and now that i know about this so-called affliction I am gifted with adn we are gifted with, I am certain that those of us with this "disorder/syndrome" must come togetehr first and begin to work together on this!

How can the system justify destroying my life because I am intelligent and don't communicate like everyone else? They cannot! someone out there MUST recognize this!

Pray not only for me, pray for everyone and everything on this entire world, for I am merely one and no more special than the rest. When the atmosphere collapses soon none of us will survive for long. Living under oxygen domes is no future anyone wants.. Otherwise we would already have all moved to the moon!

I contemplate moving into the forests away from humanity but then the planet will still be moving along the same path towards global destruction.. It's avoidable, we have to work together globally to save this world and God has said that now is the time!

Aspergers is a way for ignorance to name intelligence ingnorance.


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23 Mar 2006, 9:44 am

Well I tried to get my self to read your entire post before replying but I very much hope that things will work out for you. God most have a really good plan for you. It's not that bad anyway having AS. I'm making it. I hope you'll be able to make it through you life.

Beauty is in the eye of beholder but to a theif beauty is money.


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23 Mar 2006, 4:41 pm

The compensation will not be used for me, it will be selflessly employed for the greater good of all of mankind.

Aspergers is a way for ignorance to name intelligence ingnorance.


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23 Mar 2006, 9:06 pm

mmyeah...I think you need to lose any 'heroic' ideas about yourself because these are pride. Possibly the reason why local people dislike you is because of pridefulness, and the spiritual meaning in it is for you to lose that pride.


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24 Mar 2006, 2:01 pm

pride (prd)
1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.
2. Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or association: parental pride.
3. Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.
a. A cause or source of pleasure or satisfaction; the best of a group or class: These soldiers were their country's pride.
b. The most successful or thriving condition; prime: the pride of youth.
5. An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit.
6. Mettle or spirit in horses.
7. A company of lions. See Synonyms at flock1.
8. A flamboyant or impressive group: a pride of acrobats.
tr.v. prid·ed, prid·ing, prides
To indulge (oneself) in a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction: I pride myself on this beautiful garden.

Considering that the number of interpretations of the word pride contradict themselves and lead one to believe that pride is both good AND bad at the same time, I agree that it may be necessary for me to be "less proud" of the things I have accomplished and attempted to accomplish. However since the number one meaning is a sense of dignity, value and self respect, I also fail to see why it would be necessary for me to lack those things.

I try the best I can to do everything for everyone selflessly I accept low payments for contracts, doing things almost for free, I do things for free also, I dedicate a ton of time to the aid of people who have displayed lack of abilities to help themselves in every day manners, religion is a good teacher, I accredit "God" with everything I have achieved and "Satan" for all my failures.

Religions says I am supposed to be selfless. In order to retain some semblance of faith I must give up EVERYTHING including myself for the greater good of mankind.

Fine then, who will erect a cross and nail me to it? Please, i volunteer. Anyone?

Aspergers is a way for ignorance to name intelligence ingnorance.


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24 Mar 2006, 7:13 pm

again with the hero stuff.








As you see yourself as someone on a spiritual path, how many of these you got, and when do you think you might dump them?


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27 Mar 2006, 4:52 pm

every morning, until somone relabels me with them and forces someone else to agree with them.. reality is created through peoples saying things and agreeing.

Selflessness means unity of all. We are all one. "I" do not exist.

Aspergers is a way for ignorance to name intelligence ingnorance.