Ok so as the title displays I'm 15, I'm a male, my life is in alot of turmoil! I have AS as you could presume, along with Severe Anxiety and Depression disorder, and to top it off with a cherry ontop, I also have school phobia ( can get to the class room, but i'm lucky if I can stay for more than a minute ). My parents are helping me and then they are also making it worse, because they both have bad tempers, they don't listen to me, even after sitting them down for a one on one converse, so they are a lost cause to helping me. I'm very smart, a bit too smart for my age, because I want to start mixing chemicals and rebuilding my door to have renforced stainless steel ok the inside of it to keep my parents out, but I need to weld to have my design done and I am not allowed to weld. Really what makes my life hard is my social level, I'm 15, However my social level is that of maybe a 5 year old as my Doc put it. Though I'm sure many people have heard teenagers saying that they are smarter than there parents many times, I really am actually, they come to me for help with technology and building things what not, I will say they have life experience, but with out knowledge it counts for nothing! I don't have any freinds I can talk to except one online, other than that I'm isolated, parents are not helpful, and I'm a blind person going through a mime feild right now! I really don't know what to do, I am at a point where I can go no further in life without some other knowledge, I don't know if any body has had this in there life, but if you did please tell me what I should do? I'm on 9 different pills, and depression still sinks in.
I realize what I ask is alot, but I would appreciate any help!
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein