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23 Apr 2009, 11:07 am

Ok so as the title displays I'm 15, I'm a male, my life is in alot of turmoil! I have AS as you could presume, along with Severe Anxiety and Depression disorder, and to top it off with a cherry ontop, I also have school phobia ( can get to the class room, but i'm lucky if I can stay for more than a minute ). My parents are helping me and then they are also making it worse, because they both have bad tempers, they don't listen to me, even after sitting them down for a one on one converse, so they are a lost cause to helping me. I'm very smart, a bit too smart for my age, because I want to start mixing chemicals and rebuilding my door to have renforced stainless steel ok the inside of it to keep my parents out, but I need to weld to have my design done and I am not allowed to weld. Really what makes my life hard is my social level, I'm 15, However my social level is that of maybe a 5 year old as my Doc put it. Though I'm sure many people have heard teenagers saying that they are smarter than there parents many times, I really am actually, they come to me for help with technology and building things what not, I will say they have life experience, but with out knowledge it counts for nothing! I don't have any freinds I can talk to except one online, other than that I'm isolated, parents are not helpful, and I'm a blind person going through a mime feild right now! I really don't know what to do, I am at a point where I can go no further in life without some other knowledge, I don't know if any body has had this in there life, but if you did please tell me what I should do? I'm on 9 different pills, and depression still sinks in.

I realize what I ask is alot, but I would appreciate any help!

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein


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23 Apr 2009, 11:11 am

I understand, to a degree, how you feel. Replace your anxiety with being gay and my chances of dating is slim to none. As for the door, might I suggest your local library? Look up locks and locksmithing, safe rooms and vaults.

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23 Apr 2009, 11:20 am

That's how I was at 15. Hang in there buddy. If you can last until you are 20 without getting into stupid stuff like smoking, drinking, or drugs, you'll be fine!

You write much much smarter than I did at your age. I would not place any expectations on yourself. Just sit back and let time pass until you are 20.

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23 Apr 2009, 11:41 am

I get told off for sounding smarter than my mum. If I get into an argument with her (which is often), I use big words and political analogies ("in Nazi Germany, so-called normal people were persecuting Jews left right and centre, but that don't make it right"), then she gets really mad at me and tells me off for being a wise-ass. Sorry, mother, I'll act like an idiot in future, like the rest of humanity... :roll:

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"


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23 Apr 2009, 11:44 am

What should I do in the mean time, I have ADHD acccording to my doc, so it's hard for me to do nothing, what should I do, parents don't like me doing experiments. So I have a delay in my life, what now?

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein


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23 Apr 2009, 11:50 am

Working papers and some sort of part-time job involving yout talents may help.
"Work enobles man" You may get some much needed respect from your parents if you work...even part-time. It's a chance to get some knowledge and a look into careers. You can probably network through your doctor or through people or organizations that help people like us. You're 15, aspie and VERY bored. Don't take help from anyone on a website because you DON'T KNOW WHO THEY REALLY ARE!! Take advice that you need and leave the rest. I know it's very difficult to be an NT when you're not but networking gets you places. Network within your circle. Something has to turn up. I was miserable from the age of 12 to 30. It was a darned shame because this is when people are supposed to become somebody. At least your parents try to help you. I grew up in the late 60's early 70's. I was called a weirdo and left to fester. The isolation and lonliness was excruciating. I'm 48 now and I've never been happier.
Life got a lot easier as I got older. But I miss the youth and energy I would've had if someone knew my diagnosis and offered help. So, please do count your blessings and get to work and really shine and show your talents off. If you're smarter than your parents, prove it to them. They'll only love you more and respect you as a young adult as well.


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23 Apr 2009, 11:54 am

NomadicAssassin wrote:
What should I do in the mean time, I have ADHD acccording to my doc, so it's hard for me to do nothing, what should I do, parents don't like me doing experiments. So I have a delay in my life, what now?

If I could go back to when I was 15, I would start doing push ups, sit ups, and learning to walk on my hands and do this Image

Some of the threads I started are really long - yeay!


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23 Apr 2009, 2:11 pm

That's how I was at 15. Hang in there buddy. If you can last until you are 20 without getting into stupid stuff like smoking, drinking, or drugs, you'll be fine!

You write much much smarter than I did at your age. I would not place any expectations on yourself. Just sit back and let time pass until you are 20.

What type of experiments do you enjoy? If you have difficulty socializing (face to face) perhaps there is a Forum on the internet you could become involved with (Like this one :D) that discusses and performs experiments in your given interest? or you could start a website devoted to what you love.

Last edited by nansnick on 24 Apr 2009, 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Apr 2009, 3:52 pm

How is your Nutrition?

I am a G.P. but recognise that the brain needs nutrients more than drugs.

This was born out when I saw a documentary on obsene parents that had
their 3 y.o. on 5 drugs for "bipolar", yet the kid was eatin pluto dogs and drinking
blue cordial!! ! A lot of foods are neurotoxic (MSG/aspartame).

Have you looked at a Zinc supplement, Bananas, Sunlight, Flaxseed oil capsules??

Physical exercise is VERY important to improve blood flow!

I found Zinc to calm me down completely!! !


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23 Apr 2009, 5:20 pm

Yeah my diet up until recently has been real bad, however i have had the urge to start eating more fruits and drinking only water, idk why, but my parents nor me really care its actually helping with my energy, especially the banana's, i love those plus strawberrys :D Im actually a big guy, all my life i have been off of the main graph doctors give out, even though im not fat, my bone structure is bigger than both my parents, i have a big upper body so i run into walls all the time, because of my shoulders and how braud they are, i never really like to run, however i can actually sprint really fast, i can recall many times where i have gone to new schools and they make us do sprints, and i run out of my shoes, and end up hearing people whispering about me for the whole session. i actually look really scary and intimmidating towards others, i have scars across my face and i tend to glare unintentionally, when in all realirty im actually really nice :D

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein


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23 Apr 2009, 7:10 pm

Nomadic, wanna join the gang at this thread?

Some of the threads I started are really long - yeay!


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23 Apr 2009, 7:16 pm

Sure that seems right up my alley :)

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Apr 2009, 9:38 pm

When i was 15 I was in the same place. Never thought of welding a door though :P

I loved mixing up my chemicals... although i never used them for good. Many a neighbours letter box went to heavy because of me.

Anyway, try not to be hard on your parents, they are doing there best . I am a parent and am constantly faking it.

Anyway, the antideps .. well i have my own opinion on these especially at your age. But whatever works for you.

I found what helped me was to become a wizard on the guitar. I know that sounds weird, but I was just chilling one day listening to some music and said.. wow.. that doesn't sound hard. So i got a guitar within 12 months I was the best player in my town. It opened a whole social life for me.

This is a NT world mate and if you don't play they don't pay

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24 Apr 2009, 7:35 am

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I get told off for sounding smarter than my mum. If I get into an argument with her (which is often), I use big words and political analogies ("in Nazi Germany, so-called normal people were persecuting Jews left right and centre, but that don't make it right"), then she gets really mad at me and tells me off for being a wise-ass. Sorry, mother, I'll act like an idiot in future, like the rest of humanity... :roll:

Godwins law? Very lame thing to do.