I want my sister to rot in hell

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18 Aug 2009, 2:34 pm

Well, people enjoy the mutual benefit while it lasts, and if they're socially effective enough, they know it won't last forever and aren't devastated like my Aspie dad and I were... I guess she's truly dangerous only for naive people...

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18 Aug 2009, 3:31 pm

marshall wrote:
I've never seen the appeal to play the game beyond what's necessary for basic survival and security. Anything beyond that makes one a slave.

Works for me.

But also this. I'm grateful for political leaders who aren't afraid to dirty themselves through making compromises and deals with ostensibly ruthless scoundrels [slaves to the system]. A few of these somewhat honest politicians are making heroic sacrifices, for the possibility the rest of us may lead better lives as a result of their efforts.


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19 Aug 2009, 4:25 pm

Greentea and others

We hate and detest this system alot. I ask why are we trying to be apart of it mentally and spirtually. The system is based upon lies, deceptions, greed, sloth, hate, and pride. My opinion is we need change our hatred from individual NTs and NTs as a whole to the system that is based upon lies, deceptions, greed, sloth, hate, and pride. We need to be bashing this system and not the individuals in it. We have made plenty of mistakes ouselves including me. None of us are perfect.

Greentea, I'm going to pray for your sister that she sees the light. I've been wronged by people like her as well. I've been used and abused. I've been despised. It's hard not to hate these individuals. I know this but we shouldn't. Hating an individual is drinking poison. It'll slowly kill you. It almost killed me. I almost became the very thing I hated to defeat the individuals I hated. I have alot of praying to do myself.

The truth is we need to seceede mentally and spiritually from this evil and depraved system. Greentea don't let this depraved system slowly poison you or your father.


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19 Aug 2009, 6:19 pm

Cube, there's nothing to hate. The system is good or bad depending how much it benefits you. My sister has her own light, she has the life she wants. She doesn't need any prayers from anyone, she's able to provide herself with what she wants, she's in control of her life. If there's anything to hate, it's the fact that people with our neurology (which has made us easy prey to users) are born as isolated minorities of one geographically and therefore believing it's us that something's wrong with. And if there's anything to pray for, it's that we Aspies continue becoming more and more enlightened as to how to detect early and stay away from users. As I wrote above, I don't hate my sister, I only wish her ill so that she's too busy trying to solve her own tragedies to torment dad and me anymore.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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20 Aug 2009, 7:40 am

Greentea wrote:
Cube, there's nothing to hate. The system is good or bad depending how much it benefits you. My sister has her own light, she has the life she wants. She doesn't need any prayers from anyone, she's able to provide herself with what she wants, she's in control of her life. If there's anything to hate, it's the fact that people with our neurology (which has made us easy prey to users) are born as isolated minorities of one geographically and therefore believing it's us that something's wrong with. And if there's anything to pray for, it's that we Aspies continue becoming more and more enlightened as to how to detect early and stay away from users. As I wrote above, I don't hate my sister, I only wish her ill so that she's too busy trying to solve her own tragedies to torment dad and me anymore.


It seems that you've been through alot and have seen much. If you ever want to talk we are all here at wrongplanet. I am going to do more searches of your previous posts so I can look through your pearls of wisdom. I think you're an awesome person.

By the way, it sounds like you do better in sales than I ever did. I cannot do it at all. I do not know how to come up with the pitch on the spot like it is demanded.

Do you have any pearls of wisdom on how to pass job interviews? I don't understand how to answer their questions. To me, they're vague. I also have a stuttering problem especially when I am really nervous.

I would love to know your pearls of wisdon on how to pass interviews.


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20 Aug 2009, 5:26 pm

cube, it's not the topic of the thread, so I won't expand on it, but I believe your best bet is to find out what gets you always rejected at interviews and work on it. Why not post a thread on the topic? Maybe in the Work and Finding a Job forum?

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20 Aug 2009, 7:45 pm

A rotten topic

Some families are so rotten, they are toxic. Mine is that way. I left them a long time ago and made my own.

I simply have no dealings with my birth family. I simply do not care.

But you, Greentea, want to have dealings with your sister's children. It might be better to wait until they have grown and become mature enough to understand your differences. Of course, this is not absolute--some young people will never come to see you as you are. My own oldest daughter is a case in point. I have not seen here for five years. She is almost 36, and has been poisoned by my sister. But my oldest, Janet, is also grown women and can make her own decisions now. If she chooses to still shun me after almost 19 years of not living with me then this is her choice and I have to accept it. You do the best you can. Hate and stewing are equally toxic. We can sort of be a family here at WP, where we are accepted as we are. Sometimes you have to make your own life away from relatives who just make you feel like crap.

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21 Aug 2009, 1:56 am

Sue, it's them who won't leave us alone. That's why I wish they get some ill fortune to keep them busy and stop tormenting us. Her oldest is in the army service already, so it's not like her children don't know what they're doing. I see you have had similar experiences in your family, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how much it hurts.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.

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21 Aug 2009, 7:42 am

She's a very mean person, brought excruciating pain to our parents and me and has such an impeccable outer personality that everyone sides with her and believes her lies about us, so among other disgraces she brought on us, we've been outcast from all family for years as well.

I want peace from the story, but her life is so wonderful, always richer and richer, with more and more wonderful family and friends and love around her, never anything of life's bad blows happens to her, around her it's all health and money and love. And my father and I are suffering so much, destitute and outcast, my mom died a few months ago from a horrible disease, and sister didn't let her see the grandchildren my mother had helped raise - just because. And everyone admires my sister so much and sees only good in her, I just can't help wishing bad things on her and I can't get peace. Being an Aspie, I can't understand such meanness, and it's the lack of understanding that prevents me from making peace with our situation.

I'm so sorry about your mother, but I CLEARLY UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL!! ! I also have a sister who's proven herself to be THE BIGGEST DISGRACE IN OUR FAMILY TWICE THIS YEAR!! ! She shop-lifted from the mall and she got into a fight with a girl in the same mall!! I've been hating her soooooooo much since the day I saw that she shoplifted! I seriously want her to go to jail forever and leave my house for good! I refuse to have that ungrateful, sassy, disrespectful, and overall annoying DISGRACE in our family any longer!! It's already bad enough she rented a movie months and months ago and hasn't returned it, claiming "I can do my s*** when I need to!". If she doesn't return that movie soon, she's going to have a whole lot of money to pay!...well, she already has a lot of money to pay anyway!! ! :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil:


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21 Aug 2009, 8:25 am

Greentea wrote:
cube, it's not the topic of the thread, so I won't expand on it, but I believe your best bet is to find out what gets you always rejected at interviews and work on it. Why not post a thread on the topic? Maybe in the Work and Finding a Job forum?

You're right Greentea. It's not the topic of the thread. I have a tendency to go out into metaphorical left field sometimes. I apologize for that. I will take your advice right now and post a thread on the topic in the work and finding a job forum.

At least you told me what I did wrong and a possible solution of what I could do to correct it. I appreciate that.

Here is the thread and topic I started. http://www.wrongplanet.net/postp2348773.html#2348773


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21 Aug 2009, 8:40 am

Yeah, my sister is not on my favourite people's list. She is very controlling. She has this compulsion to control others and to know that others are under her 'guidance'. She has to dictate terms under which our family lives, it gives her a sense of power and importance. My room, the way it looks, the orientation of objects, everything must first meet her approval. I can't have any posters in my room, I couldn't even study something I wanted to, because she convinced my parents that it has no merit as a job.

But that's fine, I'm used to being bullied around. The thing that I really hated, was the fact that I could not receive any help for my Social Anxiety and General Anxiety because she convinced my parents it was not necessary. :cry:

I could have saved a few years of my life, if I had been able to get help earlier. I feel like a prisoner in my own home, living with her. My mom even treats me badly on purpose because it makes her (sister) feel good. My mom gives me a wink, signaling that she is only acting this way to keep my sister happy.

And because people base everything on appearances, I (due to my social inabilities) is regarded as unfriendly and aloof, while she can ACT and convince others she's a very sensitive, caring person. :evil:


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21 Aug 2009, 9:27 am

I_wanna_blue, that's how my parents created the monster. When she was still a toddler, she found out that my father had meltdowns from sensory issues - acute noises drive him crazy and make him explode. So she always used that, till her fifties. If something didn't go as she wanted it, she'd throw a very noisy tantrum, making our parents let her get away with anything as long as she shut up, because her noise and dad's meltdown together was hell. Also, because she was the eldest and my parents were very weak people, they let her guide them from a very young age. Last, their lack of socioeconomic brilliance made her develop contempt for them from a very early age. All 3 factors together created a family tyrant who's been tormenting us for years because at some point we had to start saying NO, when her demands escalated to the absolutely impossible. Your parents, like mine, probably don't know that they'll pay dearly for how they're raising your sister.

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21 Aug 2009, 9:29 am

Firechick, welcome to WP! Sounds like our sisters are quite different. Why don't you start a separate thread about your problems with her, here in The Haven, so we could understand more and give you support?

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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21 Aug 2009, 10:25 am

Greentea wrote:
I_wanna_blue, that's how my parents created the monster. When she was still a toddler, she found out that my father had meltdowns from sensory issues - acute noises drive him crazy and make him explode. So she always used that, till her fifties. If something didn't go as she wanted it, she'd throw a very noisy tantrum, making our parents let her get away with anything as long as she shut up, because her noise and dad's meltdown together was hell. Also, because she was the eldest and my parents were very weak people, they let her guide them from a very young age. Last, their lack of socioeconomic brilliance made her develop contempt for them from a very early age. All 3 factors together created a family tyrant who's been tormenting us for years because at some point we had to start saying NO, when her demands escalated to the absolutely impossible. Your parents, like mine, probably don't know that they'll pay dearly for how they're raising your sister.

My parents are too afraid to say anything. They know what they have helped to develop, but it's easier to act as if the problem is not there. It will just go away, one day when she gets married. But it won't. She is the boss, and I wish I could leave. I really don't want things to be this way. I already have problems with my father, who has some sort of mental illness. To deal with both of them is just too much. I don't know where to go, and who to turn to.

It seems that in our house, each person is placed into a certain role. Mine is to sit quietly and accept everything, my father's is to cause chaos, and my sister's is to create friction between people. Both of them are guilty of forcing their wills upon the rest of us. Even if those wills are detrimental. I feel your pain Greentea. I know it's tough. Unfortunately, I can't choose my family, and I am not one who is able to have friends.


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21 Aug 2009, 10:48 am

I was your age when I fled the family. I was fortunate to find a way to do so in a very supportive and protective environment on the other end of the world, literally. When my sister got married, it got actually worse, because her husband is as bad as her. Do your parents need her, depend on her in any way? If not, then there won't be much heartache from her. The problem with my parents is that they allowed themselves to become quite emotionally and practically dependent on her (not financially, of course), so she had a lot of leverage. They also had made her such an idol in front of everyone all her life, that when she badmouthed us and cut us all from the rest of the family we had no way to diminish her god status with everyone and we were made the bad ones no doubt.

So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.


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21 Aug 2009, 11:31 am

My sister knows how to manipulate, but worst of all my parents, especially my mom is absolutely terrified of her. They don't need her, but she will use guilt when it suites her. They won't let her live on her own unless she is married. The worst part is that her existence is promoting a very bad household environment. She needs to leave, but won't. When one exposes her faults and shows the facts which prove her bad influence, she starts acting as if she is a victim, and you are indeed the tyrant. :evil:

I wish I could leave, even to the other side of the world. But I can't. Both her and my father are very possessive. They will not allow me the freedom of living a life on my own. They have to influence it in some way. I have to be answerable to them, I cannot be someone out of their grasp. They will have none of that. :cry:

I just wish things were different. Would be it too much to ask for a sister, who is... well, a sister? Not an enemy, or competitor.