I decided to go on effexor in june, and never felt so bad in my life, some of the side effects were worse
then being depressed. I lost all motivation to do anything, like bathing regularly, not sleeping or eating,
terrible migraines and those were the not the worst things, I lost my sex drive or interest in sex, I was
still having thoughts of suicide and started getting bad dreams and night terrors, after the last one I knew
something was not right, and decided to go off the pills cold turkey 2 weeks ago, I went though some of
the worst withdrawal symptoms , getting brain shocks every few mins dizziness, headaches and nausea,
I looked like I was coming off of heroin. Now 2 weeks later, I am still depressed and still want to cut, but
I am motivated to get better, I am never going on antidepressants again, there is no such thing as a happy
pill its better to have some negative emotions then none at all.
If you want to go on any antidepressants do some research read all the side effects and asks yourself
if they are better then having depression, which you may be able work though in other ways, such as
cognitive therapy, something that I should have relied on instead of taking the so called easy route by
taking drugs that are no better then rat poison.